Difference between revisions of "User:RfS/Cashiering Issues"

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Line 11: Line 11:
   digraph E {
   digraph E {
   gizmo_types [label="gizmos:\ni.e. monitor, system", shape = "box"]
   gizmo_types [label="gizmos:\ni.e. monitor, system, 17inchmonitor", shape = "box"]
   areas [label="areas:\ni.e. receipts, sales, etc." shape = "box"]
   areas [label="areas:\ni.e. receipts, sales, etc." shape = "box"]
   links [label="links:\ni.e. system <-> sales" shape = "box"]
   links [label="links:\ni.e. system <-> receipts\n17inch monitor <-> sales" shape = "box"]
   gizmo_types -> links
   gizmo_types -> links

Revision as of 09:27, 30 September 2006

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.