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   digraph D {
   digraph D {
  start        [label="START HERE", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
foo [label="FOO!", style="bold", shape="house"]
  at            [label="Is there an onboard\nAT keyboard connector?", fontsize="10"]
  server        [label="Do we want it for a\nSERVER?\n(see note)", fontsize="11"]
  keep          [label="This is a regular\nKEEPER the system", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  recycle      [label="We will\nRECYCLE the system", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  tardis        [label="We will take this\nHIGH END SYSTEM\nto the TARDIS", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  post          [label="Did it POST?", fontsize="11"]
  amd300        [label="Is it an AMD K6/2\n300 MHz or faster?", fontsize="11"]
  superfast    [label="Does it have a\n1500 MHz or faster proc?", fontsize="11"]
  fastenough    [label="Does it have a\n500 MHz or faster proc?", fontsize="11"]
  missingparts  [label="Is it\nMISSING PARTS\n(i.e. side or front panel)?", fontsize="11"]
  blowncaps    [label="Are there any\nBLOWN CAPS?", fontsize="11"]
  bulksale      [label="We will take this\nitem\nto the BULK SALE shelf", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  whitehole    [label="We will take this\nSERVER\nto the White Hole", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  start        -> blowncaps
  blowncaps    -> server [label="NO"]
foo -> bar
  blowncaps    -> recycle [label="YES"]
bar -> baz
baz -> foo
  server      -> whitehole [label="YES"]
  server      -> missingparts [label="NO"]
  missingparts -> at [label="NO"]
  missingparts -> recycle [label="YES"]
  at          -> superfast [label="NO"]
  at          -> post [label="YES"]
  post        -> amd300 [label="YES"]
  post        -> recycle [label="NO"]
  amd300      -> bulksale [label="YES"]
  amd300      -> recycle [label="NO"]
  superfast    -> tardis [label="YES"]
  superfast    -> fastenough [label="NO"]
  fastenough  -> recycle [label="NO"]
  fastenough  -> keep [label="YES"]

Revision as of 16:29, 16 November 2006