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Email address: david.repa@freegeekvancouver.org
Email address: david.repa@freegeekvancouver.org
Institutional Affiliation: Free Geek Vancouver
Institutional Affiliation: Free Geek Community Technology Centre
Please provide us with a brief description of your proposed cultural
Please provide us with a brief description of your proposed cultural
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The technology revolution benefits many, but it also creates two serious problems. First, computers manufactured today have a very short life cycle. Large numbers of computers are deemed obsolete within two years and discarded. Traditional methods of disposal of computer equipment have resulted in releasing dangerous toxins such as lead, chromium and mercury into the environment. The Greater Vancouver Regional District generates 20,000 tons of computer and electronic waste(e-waste) a year. Reuse and responsible recycling is the best process for the environment, capable of recovering over 99% of the materials for reuse. Without recycling, this discarded technology of ten ends up in landfills where the resulting accumulation of toxic/hazardous waste will create potentially disastrous results for the environment.
The technology revolution benefits many, but it also creates two serious problems. First, computers manufactured today have a very short life cycle. Many computers are deemed obsolete within two years and discarded. For instance, each year, the Greater Vancouver Regional District buries 20,000 tons of computer and electronic waste(e-waste).[1] Traditional methods for the disposal of computer equipment release dangerous toxins such as lead, chromium and mercury into the environment. However, it is possible to safely recover over 99% of the materials in computer equipment, lessening the impact of this massive turnover on the environment.
A second problem stems from the rapid advance of computer technology: many people lack basic computer skills. As technology becomes ever more pervasive, those without computers find it increasingly difficult to access opportunities from employment to communication.
(There use to be stats here, but they were too old, more recent stats don't help support our cause)
The concept behind Free Geek is to use these two problems to solve each other. With a little knowledge of computer mechanics, a significant portion of the electronic waste bound for landfills can be refurbished into working starter equipment for those who could not otherwise afford to buy these items. Individuals with little or no disposable income can be trained to help process the diverted computers for reuse or recycling, receiving one of the refurbished computers in exchange for their efforts. The result is: computer equipment is being reused rather than trashed and underemployed people gain both valuable job skills and access to the opportunities afforded by the technology. It is a win-win situation for everyone involved, as summed up in the Free Geek mission statement:
The second problem stemming from advances in computer technology is that many people lack even the most basic computer skills. This can deny them access to everything from getting on the Internet to getting a better job. These technological advances are only going to accelerate in the coming years, resulting in more people being left behind.
The concept behind Free Geek is to use these problems to solve each other. A significant portion of computers bound for the landfills can be refurbished into working starter computers for those who cannot otherwise afford them. Individuals with little or no disposable income can be trained to help process the diverted computers for reuse or recycling, receiving one of the refurbished computers in exchange for their efforts. The result is less computer equipment in the landfills and more equipment being reused. In addition, a wide range of people get access to computers and the Internet that previously could not; a win, win situation for everyone involved, which is summed up in the Free Geek mission statement:
Free Geek recycles used technology to provide computers, education, job-skills training and access to the Internet to those in need, in exchange for community service.
Free Geek recycles used technology to provide computers, education, job skills training and access to the Internet to those in need, in exchange for community service.
Our goal is to start a sustainable, community technology centre in Vancouver. To achieve this goal we have six main objectives:
Computer Recycling
Computer Recycling
Free Geek's location will be a convenient place for individuals, organizations and small businesses to recycle computer equipment. By accepting all computer equipment, in any condition, we make the choice of where to go to dispose of computers a simple one. Everyone who drops off computers for recycling will be offered a guided tour of the facility and will be shown how the program works and what happens to the donated equipment. They will then be asked for a voluntary cash donation to support our program. Approximately two-thirds of our customers need to dispose of monitors. Free Geek charges a $10 disposal fee for any and all monitors dropped off at our facility. In addition to the required monitor fee, it is anticipated that recycling customers will make a voluntary financial contribution in appreciation for the work they see being done to protect the environment and to help others. Computer donations are the exclusive source of computer hardware for both Free Geek's infrastructure and the equipment provided back to the community. As part of the recycling process, non-repairable and obsolete equipment is broken down into its base materials such as steel, aluminum, and copper. These commodities are then sold on the open market through our recycling partners. Sale of recycled materials provides a significant income stream to support operations.
Computer donations are Free Geek's exclusive source for computer hardware, both for the equipment we provide to the community and for building our own infrastructure. By accepting all computer equipment, in any condition, we aim to present Free Geek as a convenient recycler for individuals, organisations, and small businesses. To date, we have already received twenty private donations, and four corporate donations.  
Our goal is the successful start up of a sustainable community-based computer recycling organisation. To achieve this goal we have five main objectives.
Besides donations, our recycling program will create two revenue streams. So far, we have observed that two-thirds of our customers need to dispose of monitors; Free Geek charges a $10 disposal fee for each donated monitor. This fee covers costs associated with the responsible environmental disposal of unusable monitors. Second, as part of the recycling process, non-repairable and obsolete equipment will be broken down into base materials, such as steel, aluminum, and copper. These commodities will be sold to our recycling partners. We aim to recycle as locally as possible, in conjunction with organisations maintaining 'best practices.'
Computer Recycling
Free Geek's location will be a convenient place for individuals, organisations, and small businesses to recycle computer equipment. By accepting all computer equipment, in any condition, we make the choice of where to go to dispose of computers a simple one. Everyone who drops off computers for recycling will be offered a guided tour of the facility and will be shown how the program works and what happens to the donated equipment. They will then be asked for a voluntary cash donation to support our program. Approximately two-thirds of our customers need to dispose of monitors. Free Geek charges a $10 disposal fee for any and all monitors dropped off at our facility. It is anticipated that recycling customers will also make a voluntary financial contribution in appreciation for the work they see being done to protect the environment and to help others. Computer donations are the exclusive source of computer hardware for both Free Geek's infrastructure and the equipment provided back to the community. As part of the recycling process, non-repairable and obsolete equipment will be broken down into its base materials such as steel, aluminum, and copper. These commodities are then sold on the open market through our recycling partners. Sale of recycled materials provides a significant income stream to support operations.
Computer Adoption
Computer Adoption
Free Geek's Adoption program, will enable individuals to exchange work in our recycling operation for a starter computer system of their very own. During their time at Free Geek, volunteers will be exposed to computers on several different levels. Volunteers work in three basic areas, receiving, recycling and testing. In receiving they learn to identify hardware and become familiar with the use of the mouse and keyboard. In recycling, volunteers learn about how the various pieces fit together and come apart. Testing teaches the volunteers how to insert and remove various components from the computer and how to run diagnostic software. After completing 24 hours of work, volunteers receive their computer and an introductory class on how to set it up and use it.
Free Geek's Adoption program allows individuals to exchange work in our recycling operation for a starter computer system of their own. During their time at Free Geek, volunteers will be exposed to computers on several different levels. Volunteers work in three basic areas, receiving, recycling and testing. In receiving, they learn to identify hardware and become familiar with the use of the mouse and keyboard by testing them. In recycling, volunteers learn how computer components fit together. Testing teaches volunteers how to insert and remove components from computers and how to run diagnostic software. After completing 24 hours of work, volunteers receive their computer and participate in an introductory class on computer use.
Computer Building
Computer Building
This program will be more technically demanding. The Build program will create all the computers needed for our other programs. Volunteers are taught how to build computers working exclusively with used parts. The tested hardware is assembled into standardized desktop computers that are then loaded with Free/Open Source operating system and applications software. Each system passes a quality control test before it is released to an adopter. Volunteers agree to complete six computer systems in exchange for the training in how to do it. After completing six systems, volunteers are welcome to keep the sixth computer for themselves. The remaining five computers are distributed into the community through our Adoption and Hardware Grants programs.
This program is Free Geek's most technically demanding. As the name suggests, the Build program creates all the computers needed for our other programs. Volunteers are taught how to build computers working exclusively with used parts. The tested hardware is assembled into standardized desktop computers that are then loaded with Free/Open Source operating systems and applications software. Each system passes a quality control test before it is released to an adopter. In exchange for the more detailed training necessary to begin this work, volunteers in the Build program agree to complete six computer systems. After completing six systems, volunteers are invited to keep the sixth computer for themselves. The remaining five computers are distributed into the community through our Adoption and Hardware Grants programs.
Computer Education
Computer Education
The education program's motto is "If we give someone their first computer, we need to teach them how to use it." These introductory classes will be the core of a curriculum that will be expanded to include computer building, Linux command line basics and advanced computer programing languages such as Perl and Python. Our classes will be taught by volunteer teachers. These teachers will work together to organise classes and document all of Free Geek's procedures to help train volunteers working in any area. Education is ongoing for volunteers from the moment they enter Free Geek to long after they receive their computers and have them set up in their homes. We believe that everyone has something to learn and everyone has something to teach. The education program focuses that energy to provide the latest in computer skills development for an extremely low cost. Volunteering time, taking classes, and the hands on experience with computers are also excellent resume builders for computer professionals looking to increase their chances for employment.
The education program's motto is: "If we give someone their first computer, we need to teach them how to use it." Introductory classes on computer use form the core of a curriculum that will be expanded to include computer building, Linux command line basics and advanced computer programming languages such as Perl and Python. Our classes are taught by experienced volunteers, many of whom have worked together to get Free Geek off the ground. The teachers will work together to organise classes and curriculum to support each of Free Geek's program areas. Education is ongoing for volunteers, from the moment they enter Free Geek's doors to long after they receive their computer systems and have them set up in their homes. We believe that everyone has something to learn and everyone has something to teach. Additionally, volunteering time, taking classes, and gaining hands-on experience with computers are all excellent resume building skills for those looking to increase their chances for employment.
Computer Hardware Grants
While our first priority is building and supporting the systems that we give to our volunteers through the Adoption program, extra systems and other hardware will be granted to other non-profits and social change organizations, not individuals. A non-profit may choose to sponsor an individual who is unable to participate in the Adoption program. We will be granting hardware to non-profit and social change organizations local to Vancouver, British Columbia.
Computer Thrift Store
Computer Thrift Store
Free Geek will receive more equipment than can be refurbished efficiently. In addition, the equipment donated does not arrive in equal amounts (i.e. approximately 10 good keyboards are donated for every usable computer). This surplus equipment and other donations that have some retail value but do not meet other program requirements, will be sold through the Free Geek Computer Thrift Store. Monitors, printers, keyboards, cables, and speakers are among the many items available in the store. This ensures that working, usable equipment gets back into circulation, rather than being broken down for raw materials recovery. Free Geek will also sell various products such as t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and crafts made from recycled computer parts. The thrift store is a vital part of the Free Geek financial strategy for self-sufficiency.
We anticipate that, in time, Free Geek will receive more equipment than can be refurbished efficiently. In addition, equipment donated will not necessarily arrive in equal amounts (i.e. approximately 10 good keyboards are donated for every usable computer). This surplus equipment and other donations that have some retail value, but do not meet program requirements, will be sold through the Free Geek Computer Thrift Store. Monitors, printers, keyboards, cables, and speakers will be among the many items available in the store. By selling surplus equipment, Free Geek further works towards putting working, usable equipment back into circulation. The Free Geek store will also sell various products such as t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and items made from recycled computer parts. The thrift store is a vital part of the Free Geek financial strategy for self-sufficiency.
[1]Electronic trash to be banned, William Boei, Vancouver Sun, Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Preliminary Budget (please provide details about how funds will be spent) :
Preliminary Budget (please provide details about how funds will be spent) :
We would like to use the funds for two purposes. The first is to pay for our storage unit for two months while we wait for further funding for our main facility.  The rent for storage is $89.00 a month. We will the left over portion towards digital projector rental fees for our monthly Linux Clinic. The rental fee is $20.00 per use.
If awarded a CACS grant, we would use the funds for two purposes. First, to pay for our storage unit for two months while we wait for further funding for our main facility. This storage unit holds our donated equipmentWe anticipate having a facility by April 2007. The rent for storage is $89.00 a month. The remainder will be put towards digital projector rental fees for our monthly Linux Clinic. This clinic is open to the anyone from the public, not matter what skill level they are at.  Each clinic has an hour lesson followed by two hours of technical help for people with computer problems. The rental fee is $20.00 per use.
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Edmonton, Alberta CA  T6G 2E5
Edmonton, Alberta CA  T6G 2E5
Fax: (780) 492-8142
Fax: (780) 492-8142
[[category: FG Vancouver]]

Latest revision as of 20:44, 30 September 2007

Canadian Association for Cultural Studies Call for Proposals Cultural Action and Activism Projects

The aims of the Canadian Association for Cultural Studies (CACS) are:

1. To promote the interests of those teaching and studying cultural studies in Canada by facilitating the dissemination and exchange of research nationally and internationally, by exploring professional issues, and by organizing scholarly and professional meetings.

2. To create greater public spaces across Canada for the development of productive relationships between people from institutional and non-institutional sites. To this end we aim to make connections with, and plan activities in concert with social, political and community groups. These activities may include, but are not limited to, the production and dissemination of pamphlets, working papers and other materials designed as interventions into public discussions of current social, political and cultural issues.

In the interests of promoting the second of these aims, CACS commits 10% of its membership fees annually to supporting proposals from its membership for a variety of potential cultural action and activism projects. Proposals should outline how the proposed project will promote connections or facilitate planned activities with social, political and community groups outside of the academy. Priority will be given to proposals which include a provision for extending financial support to cultural producers, activists, or community groups not currently receiving institutional support. Each successful proposal will receive $300 in funding for a community outreach or activism project.

Deadline for submission of proposals: Monday January 22, 2007

Please complete attached form and submit by this date.

Mail proposals to: Canadian Association for Cultural Studies

                    c/o Department of Educational Policy Studies
                    7-104 Education North
     University of Alberta
                    Edmonton, AB  T6G 2G5

Email proposals to: cacs@ualberta.ca

Please direct all inquiries to: Amber Dean, Chair, Cultural Action and Activism


The Grant Part

Organizer’s Name: David Repa

Email address: david.repa@freegeekvancouver.org

Institutional Affiliation: Free Geek Community Technology Centre

Please provide us with a brief description of your proposed cultural action or activism project, including information on community partners:

The technology revolution benefits many, but it also creates two serious problems. First, computers manufactured today have a very short life cycle. Many computers are deemed obsolete within two years and discarded. For instance, each year, the Greater Vancouver Regional District buries 20,000 tons of computer and electronic waste(e-waste).[1] Traditional methods for the disposal of computer equipment release dangerous toxins such as lead, chromium and mercury into the environment. However, it is possible to safely recover over 99% of the materials in computer equipment, lessening the impact of this massive turnover on the environment.

A second problem stems from the rapid advance of computer technology: many people lack basic computer skills. As technology becomes ever more pervasive, those without computers find it increasingly difficult to access opportunities from employment to communication.

The concept behind Free Geek is to use these two problems to solve each other. With a little knowledge of computer mechanics, a significant portion of the electronic waste bound for landfills can be refurbished into working starter equipment for those who could not otherwise afford to buy these items. Individuals with little or no disposable income can be trained to help process the diverted computers for reuse or recycling, receiving one of the refurbished computers in exchange for their efforts. The result is: computer equipment is being reused rather than trashed and underemployed people gain both valuable job skills and access to the opportunities afforded by the technology. It is a win-win situation for everyone involved, as summed up in the Free Geek mission statement:

Free Geek recycles used technology to provide computers, education, job-skills training and access to the Internet to those in need, in exchange for community service.

Our goal is to start a sustainable, community technology centre in Vancouver. To achieve this goal we have six main objectives:

Computer Recycling

Computer donations are Free Geek's exclusive source for computer hardware, both for the equipment we provide to the community and for building our own infrastructure. By accepting all computer equipment, in any condition, we aim to present Free Geek as a convenient recycler for individuals, organisations, and small businesses. To date, we have already received twenty private donations, and four corporate donations.

Besides donations, our recycling program will create two revenue streams. So far, we have observed that two-thirds of our customers need to dispose of monitors; Free Geek charges a $10 disposal fee for each donated monitor. This fee covers costs associated with the responsible environmental disposal of unusable monitors. Second, as part of the recycling process, non-repairable and obsolete equipment will be broken down into base materials, such as steel, aluminum, and copper. These commodities will be sold to our recycling partners. We aim to recycle as locally as possible, in conjunction with organisations maintaining 'best practices.'

Computer Adoption

Free Geek's Adoption program allows individuals to exchange work in our recycling operation for a starter computer system of their own. During their time at Free Geek, volunteers will be exposed to computers on several different levels. Volunteers work in three basic areas, receiving, recycling and testing. In receiving, they learn to identify hardware and become familiar with the use of the mouse and keyboard by testing them. In recycling, volunteers learn how computer components fit together. Testing teaches volunteers how to insert and remove components from computers and how to run diagnostic software. After completing 24 hours of work, volunteers receive their computer and participate in an introductory class on computer use.

Computer Building

This program is Free Geek's most technically demanding. As the name suggests, the Build program creates all the computers needed for our other programs. Volunteers are taught how to build computers working exclusively with used parts. The tested hardware is assembled into standardized desktop computers that are then loaded with Free/Open Source operating systems and applications software. Each system passes a quality control test before it is released to an adopter. In exchange for the more detailed training necessary to begin this work, volunteers in the Build program agree to complete six computer systems. After completing six systems, volunteers are invited to keep the sixth computer for themselves. The remaining five computers are distributed into the community through our Adoption and Hardware Grants programs.

Computer Education

The education program's motto is: "If we give someone their first computer, we need to teach them how to use it." Introductory classes on computer use form the core of a curriculum that will be expanded to include computer building, Linux command line basics and advanced computer programming languages such as Perl and Python. Our classes are taught by experienced volunteers, many of whom have worked together to get Free Geek off the ground. The teachers will work together to organise classes and curriculum to support each of Free Geek's program areas. Education is ongoing for volunteers, from the moment they enter Free Geek's doors to long after they receive their computer systems and have them set up in their homes. We believe that everyone has something to learn and everyone has something to teach. Additionally, volunteering time, taking classes, and gaining hands-on experience with computers are all excellent resume building skills for those looking to increase their chances for employment.

Computer Hardware Grants

While our first priority is building and supporting the systems that we give to our volunteers through the Adoption program, extra systems and other hardware will be granted to other non-profits and social change organizations, not individuals. A non-profit may choose to sponsor an individual who is unable to participate in the Adoption program. We will be granting hardware to non-profit and social change organizations local to Vancouver, British Columbia.

Computer Thrift Store

We anticipate that, in time, Free Geek will receive more equipment than can be refurbished efficiently. In addition, equipment donated will not necessarily arrive in equal amounts (i.e. approximately 10 good keyboards are donated for every usable computer). This surplus equipment and other donations that have some retail value, but do not meet program requirements, will be sold through the Free Geek Computer Thrift Store. Monitors, printers, keyboards, cables, and speakers will be among the many items available in the store. By selling surplus equipment, Free Geek further works towards putting working, usable equipment back into circulation. The Free Geek store will also sell various products such as t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and items made from recycled computer parts. The thrift store is a vital part of the Free Geek financial strategy for self-sufficiency.

[1]Electronic trash to be banned, William Boei, Vancouver Sun, Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Preliminary Budget (please provide details about how funds will be spent) :

If awarded a CACS grant, we would use the funds for two purposes. First, to pay for our storage unit for two months while we wait for further funding for our main facility. This storage unit holds our donated equipment. We anticipate having a facility by April 2007. The rent for storage is $89.00 a month. The remainder will be put towards digital projector rental fees for our monthly Linux Clinic. This clinic is open to the anyone from the public, not matter what skill level they are at. Each clinic has an hour lesson followed by two hours of technical help for people with computer problems. The rental fee is $20.00 per use.

Amber Dean PhD Student Department of English and Film Studies 3-5 Humanities Centre University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta CA T6G 2E5 Fax: (780) 492-8142