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Current Project: Updating Keyboard Testing Flowchart
*Current Project: Study Mediawiki to learn image codes. Become Lord and Master of C++ and Python. Visit Seb's Heidelberg hideaway. Decorate.
  start [label="START HERE", shape="box", fontsize="12"]
  aesthetic  [label="Is the keyboard old, dingy, yellowed,\n dirty, or missing keys?", fontsize="12"]
  connection [label="Test it. Does it work?", fontsize="12"]
  USB [label="USB or\n WIRELESS", fontzie="12"]
  store [label="Put it in the STORE box", fontsize="12"]
  test [label="Plug it in and\n TEST IT", fontsize="12"]
  start -> aesthetic
  aesthetic -> RECYCLE[label="YES"]
  aesthetic -> connection[label="NO"]
  connection -> USB
  connection -> PS2
  connection -> OTHER
  USB -> store
  PS2 -> test
<div style="border: 10px solid BLUE; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; margin: 3px 3px 0;">
  digraph D {
  node [fontname="Helvetica", fontsize="11"]
  edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
  start        [label="START HERE", fontsize="10", shape="box", style="bold", color="blue"]
  at            [label="Can you see an\nAT keyboard connector?"]
  proc_gone    [label="Is the\nPROCESSOR\nCLEARLY MISSING?"]
  mobo          [label="Is the\nMOTHERBOARD\nthere?"]
  slot          [label="Does it have a\nSLOT based processor\n(instead of a\nsocket based processor)?"]
  missingparts  [label="Is it\nMISSING CASE PARTS?\n(i.e. side or front panel)"]
  memory        [label="Can you see\nany DDR slots?"]
  blowncaps    [label="Can you see \nany BLOWN CAPS?"]
  pull_mobo1    [label="PULL THE MOTHERBOARD\nand take it to\nAdvanced Testing", shape="box"]
  pull_mobo2    [label="We are recycling\nthis system\nbecause of\nBLOWN CAPS", shape="box"]
  keep          [label="KEEP IT\n(for now anyway)", shape="box", style="bold"]
  recycle      [label="We are going to RECYCLE this one.\nGet REASON FOR RECYCLE label\nand CIRCLE the reason\nyou got here)", shape="box", style="bold"]
  go_back      [label="Go back to\nthe main chart", shape="box", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_Overview", style="dashed", color="red"]
  start      -> at
  at -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
  at -> mobo [taillabel="NO"]
  mobo        -> memory [taillabel="YES"]
  mobo        -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  memory        -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  memory      -> slot  [taillabel="YES"]
  proc_gone -> blowncaps [label="NO"]
  proc_gone -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
  pull_mobo1  -> pull_mobo2 -> recycle
  blowncaps    -> missingparts [taillabel="NO"]
  blowncaps    -> pull_mobo1 [taillabel="YES"]
  slot -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
  slot -> proc_gone  [label="NO"]
  missingparts -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
  missingparts -> keep [taillabel="NO"]
  keep -> go_back
  recycle -> go_back
[[Category: System Evaluation]]

Latest revision as of 22:57, 11 June 2010

  • Current Project: Study Mediawiki to learn image codes. Become Lord and Master of C++ and Python. Visit Seb's Heidelberg hideaway. Decorate.