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Things to cover:
What you should already know before taking this class:
*Running windows inside of a VM
*How to install programs in ubuntu (ubuntu software center)
*Using wine to run windows programs
*How to use Google
*How to find alternatives to common windows programs
==Alternatives to windows programs==
*Finding alternatives: http://www.osalt.com/
What this class will cover
*Using google to find alternatives (ie search "program name + linux)
*How to find alternatives to windows only software
*An introduction and general overview of the wine project
*Where to find more information on running a specific program in wine
*How and where to get help from the wine community.
*An introduction to Virtual Machines and when to use them
==Using wine==
What this class does NOT cover
*How to use Ubuntu
see: [[wine]]
*Installing or using windows drivers (for that google: "ubuntu+ndiswrapper")
*Networking with or otherwise connecting to windows computers (google: "ubuntu+samba")
==Using Virtual Machines==
*How to use any programs other then WINE and Virtual Machines.
VirtualBox, VMWare and Qemu are "virtual machines" which are all capable of running windows, and interfacing with windows only hardware.
Reccomended: More then 512mb ram. (can run windows 2000 or earlier with 512mb)
[[Category: Current Classes]]

Latest revision as of 21:20, 9 March 2011

What you should already know before taking this class:

  • How to install programs in ubuntu (ubuntu software center)
  • How to use Google

What this class will cover

  • How to find alternatives to windows only software
  • An introduction and general overview of the wine project
  • Where to find more information on running a specific program in wine
  • How and where to get help from the wine community.
  • An introduction to Virtual Machines and when to use them

What this class does NOT cover

  • How to use Ubuntu
  • Installing or using windows drivers (for that google: "ubuntu+ndiswrapper")
  • Networking with or otherwise connecting to windows computers (google: "ubuntu+samba")
  • How to use any programs other then WINE and Virtual Machines.