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Useful Tech Support Commands
Home Page    [[user:scott]]
Dir & Files  [[user:scott03]]
Network      [[user:scott04]]
Troubleshoot  [[user:scott05]]
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<h5>PRINTME - /var/lib/freegeek-extras/printme</h5>
==Backup Password==
*cp /etc/shadow /etc/shadow.bak - (hash of root + user)
===Change Password===
passwd [username]
passwd –e [username] – (change on startup)
===Add / Delete User===
adduser [username]
adduser [username] admin
userdel [username]
==Updates & Broken Packages==
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install --fix-broken
apt-get autoremove
apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
apt-get purge xxx
==File System Check==
fsidk -l
fsck -fyv /dev/sda1 (f=force y=fix)
shutdown -rF now (reboot, forcing fsck on root filesystem)
===Mount & un-Mount===
df -h          (show partition booted from)
ls /media      (mounted from GUI)
cat /etc/fstab (partitions and devices = mount on start-up)
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/xxx
umount /dev/sdb1 (sudo)
badblocks -nvs /dev/sda1
==Backup Home Directory==
*date (e.g. 20121223 for Dec 23 2012)
===ssh into tsbackup===
ssh XC tsbackup@tsbackup.fglan nautilus
ctrl-c (to back-out)
sudo cp /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /home/
dpkg --get-selections > dpkg.out
sudo mv dpkg.out /home/
sudo tar -czf /home/etc.backup.tar.gz /etc/
sudo rsync -avzh /home/ tsbackup@tsbackup:/var/tsbackup/[date-ticketnumber] 2>rsync.log
View error log less rsync.log
<pre>Note: on the '''data recovery box''' you will need to add /mnt/sdb1 in front of /home
      this avoids the need to chroot.</pre>
dpkg --get-selections --admindir=/mnt/sdb1/var/lib/dpkg >dpkg.out
sudo rsync -avzh  tsbackup@tsbackup:/var/tsbackup/[date-ticketnumber]/ /home
sudo dpkg --set-selections < /home/dpkg.out
sudo apt-get -u dselect-upgrade
copy (user passwd) hash from original /etc/shadow
===Restore User Permissions===
*Create a New User (oem or Bob or Mark) - with Admin. Privileges
**drwxr-xr-x 23 1001 1001 4096 2011-07-07 13:28 oem
chown –R oem:oem /home/oem (recursively for all sub directories)
==File Permissions==
chmod 774 dir-name (dir)  rwxrwxr--
chmod 664 filename (files) rw-rw-r--
chmod ugo+rwx /dir/file
chmod ugo-rwx /dir/file
==Stress Test==
* [http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/CPU_Temperature CPU Temperature]
while  [[ true ]] ; do uptime ; sensors ; sleep 30s; done | tee temp_load.log
stress --cpu 8 --io 4 --vm  2 --vm-bytes 128M  --timeout 4h
*(add --hdd 2 to stress the hard drive as well, though this shouldn't be necessary)
==Hardware & Resource ID==
sudo lshw (hardware config)
cat /proc/cpuinfo or more /proc/cpuinfo
===Disk Usage===
du -sh (-s disk usage)
du -sh /home/bob/Downloads/ (disk usage for Downloads)
===Available Memory===
free –l (available memory)
cat /proc/meminfo
To see a list of devices currently in use
cat /proc/devices
===Printer Drivers===
Workgroups -> Open Printing -> Printers

Revision as of 04:47, 19 October 2011


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