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== Steps ==
== Steps ==

Latest revision as of 17:51, 12 June 2013


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Select Machine Any machine under 500Mhz should do. Put 96-128 MB of ram in it. Put a 4 to 6 GB hard drive in it.

Boot Set machine to boot from CD in bios. Boot with DSL CD.

Partitioning Once the system is up, open a terminal. Become root by typing 'sudo -s'. It will not ask for a password. Once root, type 'cfdisk' to start the partitioner. You will need to create two partitions, one bootable partition that takes up the bulk of the hard drive and a swap partition of about 500 MB. Write the table to the hard disk and exit the partitioner.

Installing From the same command line, type 'dsl-hdinstall'. enter 'hda1' as the install target. Use ext3 file system and multi-user logins. Install grub as your boot loader and reboot when it tells you.

Setup Users When prompted type 'freegeek' for the user and root passwords.

Xsetup If you want to change the resolution or anything else about the gui, run 'xsetup.sh' as root from the command line.