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'''Simple laptop Evaluation''' [[image:Tinyspid.gif]]
   digraph D {
   digraph D {
#  size="7,10"
#  size="7,10"
   start        [label="START HERE", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
   node [fontname="Helvetica", fontsize="10"]
  apples        [label="Is it an Apple?", fontsize="11"]
  edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
  macpile      [label="Put them in the Mac pile.\nDo not mine.", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  powerable    [label="Does it have RAM\nand a power supply?", fontsize="11"]
  removehdd      [label="REMOVE THE HARD DRIVE.\nIf you're having trouble locating\nit, consult your Instructor", style=bold, color="red" shape="tripleoctagon"]
  getpower      [label="get 'em", fontsize="11", shape="diamond"]
  removecd        [label="OPEN THE OPTICAL DRIVE.\nUse a paper clip to eject the cd\ntray, and put any CD/DVDs into the\nRETURN TO RECEIVING box.", shape="tripleoctagon" color="orange"]
  poweron      [label="Does it power on?", fontsize="11"]
  usb            [label="Is there a USB port?", shape="box"]
  handwavy      [label="Give it to an instructor.", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  damage          [label="Is the screen broken or is there any other\ndamage that affects the usability of this system?", shape="box"]
  #?    [label="", fontsize="11"]
  oldspecs        [label="Is the system a Pentium II or earlier?", shape="box"]
  #recycle       [label="RECYCLE the system", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  powersupply    [label="Check the power ratings on the bottom\nof the system (sometimes underneath the battery)\nand look for a compatible adapter on the shelves.\n", shape="box", color="blue"]
  postbios        [label="Does the system POST?\nCan you get into BIOS?", shape="box"]
  start       -> apples
  postfaq        [label="Consult the POST Troubleshooting Guide...\nDoes the system POST?", shape="box", color="blue"]
  apples      -> macpile [label="YES"]
  specs          [label="Do the specs fit within our Builds?\n(Consult the whiteboard, or an Instructor)", shape="box"]
  apples      -> powerable [label="NO"]
  keeper          [label="IT'S A KEEPER!\nGrab a Keeper label and fill out\nthe Evaluation Checklist)", shape="doubleoctagon", color="green"]
  powerable   -> poweron [label="YES"]
  asis            [label="WE DON'T WANT IT...\nBUT MAYBE SOMEBODY DOES!\nFollow the As-Is Laptop checklist.", shape="doubleoctagon", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/As-Is_Checklist", color="brown"]
  powerable   -> getpower [label="NO"]
  parts          [label="MAKE IT A PARTS MACHINE!\nFollow the Laptop Parts Machine Checklist", shape="doubleoctagon", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Laptop_Parts_Machine", color="yellow"]
  getpower    -> poweron
  recycle         [label="DISPOSE OF IT!\nFollow the Laptop Recycling checklist.", shape="doubleoctagon" URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Laptop_Recycling", color="red"]
  #poweron    -> ??? [label="YES"]
  harddrive       [label="Install a hard drive appropriate for its specs.\nMake sure to note whether it's IDE or SATA", shape="box", color="blue"]
  poweron     -> handwavy [label="NO"]
  memtest        [label="Set the machine up for Memtest.\nMake sure the RAM installed fits its Build Spec!", shape="box", color="blue"]
   shiny          [label="Is this system either:\n\nParticularly shiny?\nA model we commonly build?\nSomething you couldn't bear to see recycled?", shape="box"]
   storebox        [label="Include the power adapter, and put it on the\nbottom of the Store Cart", shape="box", color="blue"]
  instructor      [label="Once the label is COMPLETELY filled\nout, hand it to your Instructor!", shape="box", color="blue"]
  recyclecart     [label="Double check to see whether the for an\n'Uncovered Electronic Device' or 'FG-PDX' sticker\nand have your Instructor sign off on it!", shape="box", color="blue"],
  removehdd -> removecd
  removecd -> usb
  usb -> damage          [label="Y", color="green"]
  usb -> recycle          [label="N", color="red"]
  damage -> oldspecs      [label="N", color="green"]
  damage -> shiny        [label="Y", color="red"]
  specs -> keeper        [label="Y", color="green"]
  specs -> asis          [label="Y", color="brown"]
  specs -> recycle        [label="N", color="red"] 
  shiny -> recycle        [label="N", color="red"]
  shiny -> parts          [label="Y", color="yellow"]
  oldspecs -> recycle    [label="Y", color="red"]
  oldspecs -> powersupply
  powersupply -> postbios
  postbios -> postfaq    [label="N", color="red"]
  postbios -> specs      [label="Y", color="green"]
  postfaq -> specs        [label="Y", color="green"]
  postfaq -> shiny        [label="N", color="red"]
  keeper -> harddrive   
  harddrive -> memtest
  asis -> storebox
   parts -> instructor
  recycle -> recyclecart
  { rank=min; removehdd removecd usb }
[[Category: Laptops]]
  { rank=same; parts recycle keeper asis }

Latest revision as of 12:23, 17 September 2013

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.