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This is a list of commands specific to Mac OSX 10.4+. It is important to note that some commands have arguments that differ from one os version to the other but overall it is accurate of the latest software builds.
=System Management=
=System Management=
Line 142: Line 144:
  diskutil appleRAID update AutoRebuild 1 disk0    # set the specified disk path to automatically be rebuild if the array is broken
  diskutil appleRAID update AutoRebuild 1 disk0    # set the specified disk path to automatically be rebuild if the array is broken
  sudo diskutil repairPermissions /    # repair any improper permissions caused by third-party software or updates
  diskutil repairPermissions /    # repair any improper permissions caused by third-party software or updates
diskutil randomDisk 3 /dev/disk0    # erase the specified disk by writing random 1s and 0s to the entire disk using 3 passes
diskutil secureErase 4 /dev/disk0    # erase the specified disk with a DoD algorithm using 3 passes
Line 210: Line 217:
  say -v Bruce "Zip zop zoo bitty bop"
  say -v Bruce "Zip zop zoo bitty bop"
[[category:Macintosh Archive]]
[[category:Tech Support]]

Latest revision as of 13:14, 21 February 2014

This is a list of commands specific to Mac OSX 10.4+. It is important to note that some commands have arguments that differ from one os version to the other but overall it is accurate of the latest software builds.

System Management


Manage a variety of configuration stuff.

sudo systemsetup -getdate     # view system date

systemsetup -getcomputername     # display computer name


Execute Apple Software update from the commandline

softwareupdate -l     # list available updates

sudo softwareupdate -i -a     # install all available updates


Manage the network configuration

sudo networksetup -listallhardwareports     # list all network interfaces with MAC addresses

sudo networksetup -switchtolocation home     # switch network locations


Directory service management, for example users, groups etc.

dscl localhost -list /Local/Default/Users     # list all local users

Users are added from the command line with dscl. In OSX, it is done as such:

dscl . -create /Users/username     # creates the new user entry. The "." specifies the local machine and "-create" is the verb which directs the command.

dscl . -create /Users/username UserShell /bin/bash     # sets the default shell for said user

dscl . -create /Users/username Realname "user name"     # the alternative name used optionally by OSX to log in

dscl . -create /Users/username UniqueID 503     # set a unique number id for the user

dscl . -create /Users/username PrimaryGroupID 1000     # sets the primary group id. In OSX the admin groups are usually either administrator or staff.

dscl . -create /Users/username NFSHomeDirectory /Local/Users/username     # sets the user's home directory

dscl . -passwd /Users/username password     # sets the user's password

dscl . -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership username

As a note, to list all available groups and their ids, you can type

dscacheutil -q group

And passwords can be set or changed in the traditional linux way with

passwd username

But all of this is simplified by our in-house adduser script:

adduser script

This is a shell script designed to do all of the above dscl commands automatically, asking only for the user's input.


Manage DNS cache

dscacheutil -flushcache # clear local DNS cache


View system information (Like SystemProfiler.app in Utilities)

system_profiler     # list all information on system available. It is A LOT OF INFO!!

system_profiler -detaillevel basic     # lists only hardware and network information

system_profiler SPHardwareDataType     # lists a hardware overview of the local system

system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType     # lists a software overview of the local system

system_profiler -xml filename >/Users/username/Documents/sys-info.xml     # generates an xml file rather than plain text output.


Display or set the kernel state. Commonly used to retrieve information on the system such as

sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string     # display information on the processor

sysctl -a | grep hw.memsize     # list the amount of memory in the system

File Management


Change file flags, like “hidden”, “archived”..

chflags -R -V hidden /some/file.txt     # hides the specified file from the gui

ls -l0      # View flags in the current directory


View extended file attributes, like icon, creator and so on. To write these attributes use SetFileInfo

GetFileInfo any.txt     # list the attributes of a specified file


Manage Spotlight and search it's cache

mdutil -s /     # show indexing status on root drive

mdfind -name "filename"     # similar to find, check the cache for a specified file or directory

Storage Management


Manage local disks

diskutil list    # list local drives and partitions

diskutil activity     # monitor activity on the local disk

diskutil repairvolume disk0s1     # attempt to repair the specified partition
diskutil checkraid     # display status of local RAID arrays

diskutil appleRAID update AutoRebuild 1 disk0     # set the specified disk path to automatically be rebuild if the array is broken

diskutil repairPermissions /     # repair any improper permissions caused by third-party software or updates

diskutil randomDisk 3 /dev/disk0    # erase the specified disk by writing random 1s and 0s to the entire disk using 3 passes 

diskutil secureErase 4 /dev/disk0    # erase the specified disk with a DoD algorithm using 3 passes


Manage disk images

hdiutil burn animage.dmg     # burn imagefile to cd/dvd

hdiutil create -srcfolder path any.dmg     # create dmg-image from folder


Interact with CD/DVD drives

drutil eject     # eject media

drutil status     # show detailed information about drives and media



Retrieve websites or files on those websites much like wget.

curl -OL http://www.freegeek.org/index.php     # download the index page of our website

For those who are resistant to change, most people can simply set an alias to sidestep curl and use it like wget:

echo 'alias wget="curl -O"' >> ~/.bash_profile


Open a file with a given application in the gui.

open example.txt     # opens the file in the default text editor

open .     # opens a new finder window with the current commandline path

open -a Safari     # opens Safari


Access OSX clipboard

ls | pbcopy     # copy dir listing to clipboard


Run periodic system jobs

sudo periodic daily     # run daily stuff

However, any such tasks can be done traditionally with cron as well.


Have the local machine speak to you.

say "I am way cool"

say -v Bruce "Zip zop zoo bitty bop"