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Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text.  Sample text. 
   digraph BUILDPATH {
   digraph BUILDPATH {
    size = "7, 10"
  size = "7, 10"
    commit          [label="Do you want\nto build 6 (or more)\ncomputers?", fontsize="10"]
    cardmobo        [label="CARD AND MOTHERBOARD SORTING\n*Read documentation\n*Learn to identify cards\n*Learn motherboard parts", shape="box", fontsize="10", URL="http://freegeek.org"]
    eval            [label="EVALUATION I & II\nRead documentation\nLearn about systems,\ntroubleshooting, and\nFree Geek's\nproduction procedures", shape="box", fontsize="10"]
    commit2        [label="Do you still\nwant to build\n6 (or more)\ncomputers?", fontsize="10"]
    commandline    [label="COMMAND LINE CLASS\nLearn about Linux's\ncommand line", shape="box", fontsize="10"]
    build          [label="BUILD WORKSHOPS\nLearn to quality control,\nbuild, and install\nLinux onto computers", shape="box", fontsize="10"]
    next            [label="NEXT STEPS:\nbuild assistant/instructor\nspecial projects\nserver build\nlaptop build\nadvanced testing\n(these steps require approval of a build instructor)", fontsize="10"]
    copout          [label="It takes a lot of time and energy\nto show even the most experienced builders\nhow to build at Free Geek.\nWe need people who are building at least\n6 computers to make it worthwhile.\nAlso, in order to learn the\njob well, a builder needs to be\nexposed to about six computers.", shape="box", fontsize="10"]
    note          [label="NOTE: Card sorting,\nmotherboard sorting, and\ncommand line class\ncan be tested out of.", style="dotted", fontsize="10"]
  missingmobo -> reject [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
   commit -> cardmobo [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
   missingmobo -> highend [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
   commit -> copout [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
  highend -> waiting [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
   cardmobo -> eval
   highend -> lowend [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
   eval -> commit2
   lowend -> incoming [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
   commit2 -> commandline
   lowend -> diskless [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
   commit2 -> copout
   diskless -> disklessshelf [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
   commandline -> build
   diskless -> damaged [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
   build -> next
  damaged -> reject [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
  damaged -> fast [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
   fast -> waiting [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
   fast -> incoming [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
More sample text below the other text and chart.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.  More sample text.

Revision as of 14:21, 1 November 2005


 digraph BUILDPATH {
  size = "7, 10"
  missingmobo -> reject [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
  missingmobo -> highend [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
  highend -> waiting [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
  highend -> lowend [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
  lowend -> incoming [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
  lowend -> diskless [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
  diskless -> disklessshelf [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
  diskless -> damaged [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
  damaged -> reject [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
  damaged -> fast [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
  fast -> waiting [taillabel="YES", fontsize="11"]
  fast -> incoming [taillabel="NO", fontsize="11"]
