Difference between revisions of "Case Management Overview"

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(removed instructions to label with number of ram slots since systems can be bumped ahead to system evalulation 2 without going through system evalulation 1)
(75 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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==MAIN Chart==
   digraph H {
   digraph H {
    servers        [label="NOTE:\nServers are in RACK MOUNT cases\nor\nhave DUAL PROCESSOR capability", shape="box", fontsize="11"]
    incompatibles  [label="NOTE:\nApple, Mac, Sun, PowerPC,\nSilicon Graphics (SGI),\nAmiga, Commodore\nare INCOMPATIBLE", shape="box", fontsize="11"]
    alreadyrejected [label="Has it\nalready been\nREJECTED?", fontsize="11"]
    askwhere        [label="Ask where\nit goes", fontsize="11", style="bold", shape="box"]
    compatible      [label="Is it COMPATIBLE\nwith Intel/AMD\narchitecture?", fontsize="11"]
    getlabel        [label="Get system labels\nfrom Receiving", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
    labelit        [label="Put on a\nREASON FOR RECYCLING\nlabel on the front", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
    mineit          [label="Follow instructions in\nREMOVING COMPONENTS\nFROM RECYCLED SYSTEMS\n(then come back here)", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
    putoncart      [label="Put on\nthe CART\n(label and back\nvisible)", fontsize="11", style="bold", shape="box"]
    received        [label="Has it been\nRECEIVED?", fontsize="11"]
    server          [label="Is it a\nSERVER?", fontsize="11"]
    start          [label="START HERE", shape="box", fontsize="11"]
    tallyit        [label="Copy info\nfrom label to\nTALLY SHEET", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
    triage          [label="Go through the\nSYSTEM EVALULATION 1 TRIAGE chart\n(then come back here)", shape="box", fontsize="11", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_1_Triage"]
    triageoutcome  [label="What did the\nSYSTEM EVALULATION 1TRIAGE chart\nsay to do?", fontsize="11"]
    whitehole      [label="Take it to the\nWHITE HOLE", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
    waiting        [label="Put it on the\nWAITING PILE\nfor System Eval 2\", fontsize="11", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_2_Overview", shape="box", style="bold"]
    start -> received
    node [fontname="Helvetica", fontsize="11"]
     received -> alreadyrejected [taillabel="YES"]
    edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
    received -> getlabel [label="NO"]
    getlabel -> alreadyrejected
    main            [label="MAIN\nCHART", style="bold", shape="tripleoctagon"]
    alreadyrejected -> tallyit [taillabel="YES"]
    alreadyrejected -> compatible [taillabel="NO"]
    putoncart      [label="If you still have a case\nor motherboard put on\nthe CART\n(label and back visible)", style="bold", shape="box"]
    compatible -> askwhere [taillabel="NO"]
    incoming        [label="Put on the\nINCOMING PILE\n(safely and front visible)", style="bold", shape="box"]
    compatible -> server [taillabel="YES"]
    server -> triage [taillabel="NO"]
    server -> whitehole [taillabel="YES"]
    alreadyrejected [label="Has it\nalready been\nREJECTED?\n(Does it have a\n'recycle'\n or'reject' label?)"]
    triage -> triageoutcome
    redlight        [label="Does it have\nRED LIGHT\nor a\nYELLOW LIGHT circled?"]
    triageoutcome -> labelit [taillabel="RECYCLE"]
    triageoutcome -> waiting [label="WAITING"]
    start           [label="START HERE", shape="box", style="bold"]
    labelit -> tallyit
    tallyit -> mineit
    ifred          [label="Remove all\nHARD DRIVES\nand put them on the floor", shape="box"]
    mineit -> putoncart
    ifmobo          [label="Remove the MOTHERBOARD\nthen\ntake the MOTHERBOARD to\nADVANCED TESTING", shape="box"]
    exceptional     [label="Does it have anything from\nthe EXCEPTIONAL COMPONENTS LIST\nin it?"]
    ifcase          [label="Remove the MOTHERBOARD\nand\nALL DRIVES\n(except FLOPPY DRIVES)\nthen\ntake the CASE to\nTHRIFT STORE", shape="box"]
    wantmobo        [label="Do we want the Motherboard?\n(see the GREEN chart)"]
    wantcase        [label="Do we want the case?\n(see the BLUE chart)"]
    takethingsout  [label="Follow instructions on\nthe ORANGE CHECKLIST\n(Removing Components\nfrom Recycled Systems)", shape="box"]
    circle_red      [label="Circle RED", shape="box"]
    circle_yellow  [label="Circle YELLOW", shape="box"]
    start -> alreadyrejected
    alreadyrejected -> redlight [taillabel="YES"]
    alreadyrejected -> incoming [taillabel="NO"]
    redlight -> wantcase [label = "YELLOW"]
    redlight -> ifred    [label = "RED"]
    redlight -> exceptional [label = "NEITHER"]
    ifred    -> putoncart
    exceptional -> circle_red    [label = "NO"]
    exceptional -> circle_yellow [label = "YES"]
    circle_red    -> ifred
    circle_yellow -> wantcase
    wantcase -> ifcase [label="YES"]
    wantcase -> wantmobo  [label="NO"]
    wantmobo -> ifmobo [label="YES"]
    wantmobo -> takethingsout [label="NO"]
    ifcase -> wantmobo
    ifmobo -> takethingsout
    takethingsout -> putoncart
[[Category: Prebuild]]
[[Category: Old Prebuild]]

Latest revision as of 15:42, 14 March 2009

MAIN Chart

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.