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==...But, Enough About Me==
I am a past volunteer, and now enjoy visiting the Thrift Store from time to time. I presently both have a computer and am able to independently use a computer because volunteering at Free Geek enabled me to do so.  And as time goes on, I continually try to remain alert to opportunities to contribute within my present interests and capabilities.
And this would be a section,
with lines run-on when
separated by a single newline in the markup.
==The Agony of Delite==
...and another, and so on.  How meta is ''this?''
==Well, Not Very==
Don't start.  And no puns.
==Aw, That's No Pu-==
I ''mean'' it. 
==Of ''Course'': Now, Where Were Thwe?==
Sandboxing and cut-and-paste.  Quite wearing on scissors and definitely requiring a rather durable adhesive.  Or are they?
Thwe are so patient with thus.
To [[http://freegeek.org/wishlist.php|make a request]] for a particular type or model of sellable item that may then by chance be harvested from the recycling stream. Wishes can come true!

Latest revision as of 13:38, 29 December 2007

I am a past volunteer, and now enjoy visiting the Thrift Store from time to time. I presently both have a computer and am able to independently use a computer because volunteering at Free Geek enabled me to do so. And as time goes on, I continually try to remain alert to opportunities to contribute within my present interests and capabilities.