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===A History of Geece===
I am a past volunteer, and now enjoy visiting the Thrift Store from time to time. I presently both have a computer and am able to independently use a computer because volunteering at Free Geek enabled me to do so.  And as time goes on, I continually try to remain alert to opportunities to contribute within my present interests and capabilities.
I seem to think there is a History of Free Geek page.  If so, ideally it might be as entertaining as <span class="plainlinks">[http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Geece this]</span> one.  Well eet ees, p'rhaps, that our owners do not live in the best of all possible worlds...or p'rhaps not, of course.
'''C'''oruscating '''S'''pam '''S'''yntax works in Codebase: WikiMedia, too.  (Why in the world would anyone ''desire'' to mimic
the little dot-outline box   
that's so easily otherwise evoked?)
===BK test'===
<div style="border: 1px dashed #9F9FFF; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; background-color: #fff8ff; margin: 3px 3px 0;">
<code><no</code><code>wiki></code> <nowiki>{{subst:Meeting}}</nowiki> <code></nowiki> *</code>
:  *''spaces between characters magnified for illustration''
As it turns out, I possibly could have made what I was trying to do work in the Sandbox. I began by simply desiring to understand how well the "Meeting" template might be used in researching and p'rhaps adding preFreekiWiki Council meeting minutes... somewhere.  This made necessary abstracting its (current) categorical divisions, and a subsidiary curiousity about how to most directly view it, which in turn led to curiousity about how the "[[Meeting Template|Meeting Template]]" works, hence encountering the snippet above.
I puzzled a long, long, long time (like an hour) over the relevent Wikimedia "Help" info, and I'm still clueless aboot whether the <code><nowiki><nowiki></nowiki></code> tag is actually html or (yet another) codebase-specific definition.  But now I "know" (approximately) what it's doing in its context (disabling a parser function), and now I'm happy (and leaving puzzling over the relevent DTD  for the time when I actually ''desire'' to learn about that isect'... or actually synthesize or become cognizant of a system of notation for unambiguously distinguishing between notation and effects of notation within arbitrary antegramming lunguages... and simply noting for now that a symmetric' (within-thx Matteo) form' work, too, under the heading "wiki assoc' (sgml, nowiki)"... if/when used again, now I have twice the chance of easily remembering how!) 
Actually letting loose the hounds of <nowiki>{{subst:Meeting}}</nowiki> (and subsequently deleting it) was a little anticlimatic. But now I have added a tiny basis for keeping my eyes from glazing over reading the "Help" pages (which have been indispensable to my learning this much, I should add).   
Let's see: what tersely pellucid spok' for ''this'' emendation...
===Context' and the Single Quote===
Or more like a little place to keep my most successful sandbox productions.  So, opening a page to self-edit without referring to an external link... probably impossible, because seem' PHP action...: "Please be gentle, because I just open right up!" said the blushing [[{{FULLPAGENAME}}|link text]]. form' (now not true... after all, there ''are'' limits, you know.  There ''are''!!!")
<pre>[[{{PAGENAME}}|link text]]  (tag pre)</pre>
In name spaces one might do this:
<pre>[[{{FULLPAGENAME}}|link text]]</pre>
(But of course the passage across nspaces is hazardous and long.  And beware the [[FreekiWiki:Template_messages/General|Place]] of Quintuple Double Curly Bracket Pairs, arr!) 
But who would ''desire'' to have a link on her user page opening said page for editing?  Behold, the beauty of Geek: someone could.  (Actually, the term "someone could" almost seems to be a technodactylic primitive... almost as if "someonecould" were itself a spok' pronoun.) 
'''{{CURRENTYEAR}}{{CURRENTMONTH}}{{CURRENTDAY2}}''' Oh, the possibilities.
===But, Enough About Me===
weekee markup presenting text as an external link may be something
[http://blah.org/a.page like thees].
And/or on the other hand, like thees -- http://blah.org/a.page .
To link to another [[Gossip|FreekiWiki]] page.
And to (say) link to Wikipedia entries aboot  [[WikiPedia:Mesmer|Franz Mesmer]], [[WikiPedia:James_Parkinson|James Parkinson]],
[[WikiPedia:Volta|Alessandro Volta]], and [[WikiPedia:Mary_Shelley|Mary Shelley]] ... also  ''electrifyingly'' easy... of course taking care to meticulously note each development as their as yet obscure confluence of energies seem to, to '''yearn''' toward this no doubt unthinkably distant time.
But wait.  Ess it pos'... could it be so <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.google.com/search?as_q=%22big+meeting%22+site%3Alists.freegeek.org&hl=en&num=10&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&lr=&as_ft=i&as_filetype=&as_qdr=all&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&as_occt=any&as_dt=i&as_sitesearch=&as_rights=&safe=images simp']</span>...?
===Free Geek: (Re)search Me?!?===
At once I became as if fascinated with the [http://chnm.gmu.edu/resources/essays/d/9 possibilities] of embedding Google! site searches in "handling notes and manuscripts in as subtle and complex ways" as my own, uh, novel absent-mindedness might desire.
But then, eet ees almost as if I realized that in some odd hyperdimensional way, this would increase my number of fingers and of course allow many different colors and fonts for the labels and bodies of my imaginary manila-like folders, and increase the numbers and dimensions of my little cards to, well, [http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/memory/understand/working_memory.shtml  <code>>(5..9)</code>] (a geekish ref' to momentary [[WikiPedia:Working_memory|human memory]]).
[[Talk:{{PAGENAME}}|This]] is not a working link.  Or is it?...

Latest revision as of 13:38, 29 December 2007

I am a past volunteer, and now enjoy visiting the Thrift Store from time to time. I presently both have a computer and am able to independently use a computer because volunteering at Free Geek enabled me to do so. And as time goes on, I continually try to remain alert to opportunities to contribute within my present interests and capabilities.