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(put things you can see from the outside at the top, added multipleisas and web link)
(84 intermediate revisions by 13 users not shown)
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[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_Mddad85MytiqrzqpL1JfZgHzNcWkC0hjQrnKSl_XrI/edit?usp=sharing link]
==BLUE Chart==
<div style="border: 10px solid BLUE; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; margin: 3px 3px 0;">
   digraph D {
   digraph D {
Line 5: Line 12:
   edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
   edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
   start        [label="START HERE", fontsize="10", shape="box", style="bold"]
   start        [label="START HERE",
                  label_es="INICIAR AQUI",
                  fontsize="10", shape="box", style="bold", color="blue"]
  at            [label="Is it beige?",
                  label_es="¿Puede usted ver un\nconector \n''AT keyboard''?"]
  proc_gone    [label="Is the\nPROCESSOR\nCLEARLY MISSING?",
                  label_es="¿Puede usted ver\nsi FALTA\nEL PROCESADOR?"]
  mobo          [label="Is the\nMOTHERBOARD\nthere?",
                  label_es="¿Se encuentra la\n''la tarjeta madre''\nAHI?"]
  missingparts  [label="Is it\nMISSING CASE PARTS?\n(i.e. side or front panel)",
                  label_es="¿Faltan\nPARTES \nDEL \nARMAZÓN?\n(es decir, de la parte \nlateral o frontal)"]
  memory        [label="Can you see\nany DDR slots?\n(single notch near the middle) PLEASE SEE INSTRUCTOR",
                  label_es="¿Puede usted ver\nalgunas ranuras de DDR?\n(una sola ranura en el centro)"]
  blowncaps    [label="Can you see \nany BLOWN CAPS?",
                  label_es="¿Puede usted ver\nalgun transistor quemado o defectuoso?"]
   procthere     [label="Is there probably a\nPROCESSOR?"]
   sataports     [label="Can you see \nany SATA PORTS?",
                  label_es="¿Puede usted ver\nalguna SATA PORTS?"]
   usb          [label="Is there a\nUSB connector?"]
   pull_mobo1   [label="PULL THE MOTHERBOARD\nand take it to\nAdvanced Testing",
   dimmslots    [label="Are there any\nDIMM slots\n(SDRAM, DDR, or RAMBUS)?"]
                  label_es="DESMONTE LA ''TARJETA MADRE''\ny llévela a\n''Advanced Testing''",
  visibleproc  [label="Can you see the\nPROCESSOR SPEED?\n(don't take apart)"]
  mobo          [label="Is the\nMOTHERBOARD\nthere?"]
   pull_mobo2    [label="We are recycling\nthis system\nbecause of\nBLOWN CAPS",
  fastproc      [label="Does it have\n600 MHz or faster proc?"]
                  label_es="Vamos a reciclar\neste sistema\nporque tiene\n''UN TRANSISTOR DEFECTUOSO''",
  smallzif      [label="Can you see a\n1 DIGIT ZIF SOCKET?\n(don't take apart)"]
  pentium2      [label="Can you see a\nPENTIUM II processor?\n(don't take apart)"]
   server        [label="Do we want it for a\nSERVER?\n(see chart and\nthen come back here)", url="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Do_we_want_it_for_a_server%3F"]
  blowncaps    [label="Can you see any\nBLOWN CAPS?"]
  missingparts  [label="Is it\nMISSING CASE PARTS\n(i.e. side or front panel)?"]
  multipleisas  [label="Is there\nmore than 1 ISA slot?"]
  recycle      [label="RECYCLE\n(remember how you got here\nthat's your\nREASON for RECYCLING)", shape="box", style="bold", URL="/index.php/System_Evaluation_1_Overview"]
  waiting      [label="Put on the\nWAITING FOR\nSYSTEM EVALUATION 2\npile", shape="box", style="bold", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_2_Overview"]
  whitehole    [label="We will take this\nSERVER\nto the White Hole", shape="box", style="bold"]
   start       -> mobo
   keep          [label="KEEP IT\n(for now anyway)",
                  label_es="CONSERVELA\n(por el momento)",
                  shape="box", style="bold"]
  recycle       [label="We are going to RECYCLE this one.\nGet REASON FOR RECYCLE label\nand CIRCLE the reason\nyou got here)",
                  label_es="Vamos a reciclarla.\nEn la etiqueta ''RECYCLE'' \ncircule el motivo\npor cual se recicla)",
                  shape="box", style="bold"]
   mobo        -> server [taillabel="YES"]
  not_done      [label="You're not done yet!",
                  label_es="No esta terminado todavia!"]
  go_back      [label="Go back to\nthe main chart",
                  label_es="Regrese al\ndiagrama principal",
                  shape="box", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_Overview", style="dashed", color="red"]
  start      -> at
  at -> recycle [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
  at -> mobo [taillabel="NO"]
   mobo        -> memory [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
   mobo        -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
   mobo        -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  server      -> missingparts [taillabel="NO"]
  server      -> whitehole [taillabel="YES"]
   usb        -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
   memory        -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
   usb        -> dimmslots [taillabel="YES"]
   memory -> proc_gone  [label="yes"]
   dimmslots    -> smallzif [taillabel="YES"]
   proc_gone -> blowncaps [label="NO"]
   dimmslots    -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
   proc_gone -> recycle [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
   smallzif    -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
   pull_mobo1  -> pull_mobo2 -> recycle
  smallzif    -> blowncaps [taillabel="NO"]
   blowncaps   -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
   blowncaps   -> missingparts [taillabel="NO"]
   blowncaps   -> multipleisas [taillabel="NO"]
   blowncaps   -> sataports [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
   multipleisas  -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
   sataports    -> pull_mobo2 [taillabel="NO"]
   multipleisas  -> procthere [taillabel="NO"]
   sataports    -> pull_mobo1 [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
   missingparts   -> usb [taillabel="NO"]
   missingparts -> recycle [taillabel="YES", taillabel_es="SÍ"]
   missingparts   -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
   missingparts -> keep [taillabel="NO"]
   procthere  -> pentium2 [taillabel="YES"]
   keep -> not_done
  procthere  -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  pentium2    -> visibleproc [taillabel="NO"]
  pentium2    -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
   visibleproc -> fastproc [taillabel="YES"]
   recycle -> not_done
   visibleproc -> waiting [taillabel="NO"]
   not_done -> go_back
  fastproc    -> waiting [taillabel="YES"]
  fastproc    -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
English Version: [[System_Evaluation_Visual_Triage]]
{{Finding the processor speed}}
Vercion Español: [[System_Evaluation_Visual_Triage_en_Español]]
[[Category: Triage]]
[[Category: System Evaluation]]
[[Category: Prebuild]]

Latest revision as of 17:40, 5 July 2014


This page has been migrated to a document on Free Geek's Google Drive.

Information remaining behind may no longer be relevant.


When you have tagged this page as migrated,
please add a link to the new document on Google Drive.

(Link to new page immediately below.)


BLUE Chart

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.

English Version: System_Evaluation_Visual_Triage

Vercion Español: System_Evaluation_Visual_Triage_en_Español