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  digraph D {
  start        [label="LAPTOP BUILD STARTS HERE", fontsize="12", shape="box", style="bold"]
  sort          [label="Donated laptops are sorted by supervisor / instructor
                        and are grouped by manufacturer. The first significant
                        step is removal of the #hard drive. Significant why? To
                        protect personal information that might still reside on
                        the hard drive.", fontsize="8", shape="box", style="bold"]
  hddrem        [label="Find and remove hard drive", fontsize="10", shape="box", style="bold"]
  busted        [label="Is the laptop visibly broken?", fontsize="8"]
  ask          [label="Ask an instructor what to do with it" fontsize="11", shape="ox", style="bold"]
  usb          [label="Does it have USB?", fontsize="11"]
  apples        [label="Is it an Apple?", fontsize="11"]
  macpile      [label="Give it to an instructor.\nDo not mine.", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  powerable    [label="Does it have RAM\nand a power supply?", fontsize="11"]
  getpower      [label="Add RAM or power supply", fontsize="11"]
  poweron      [label="Does it power on?\n Does it have a working screen?\n Does it post?", fontsize="11"]
  handwavy      [label="Consult Laptops FAQ on wiki \n Or Ask an Instructor.", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  procclass    [label="Can you find\n the Processor Info?\n (try entering BIOS)" fontsize="11"]
  enoughproc    [label="Does it fit into one of the specs?", fontsize="11"]
  whatzit      [label="Run Memtest\n(Don't know how?  Ask someone!)" fontsize="11"]
  keeper        [label="Fill out keeper label" fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  incoming      [label="Recycle That Laptop!",fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  start      -> sort
  sort        -> hddrem
  hddrem      -> busted
  busted      -> ask [label="YES"]
  busted      -> usb [label="NO"]
  usb        -> apples  [label="YES"]
  usb        -> incoming [label="NO"]
  apples      -> macpile [label="YES"]
  apples      -> powerable [label="NO"]
  powerable  -> poweron [label="YES"]
  powerable  -> getpower [label="NO"]
  getpower    -> poweron
  poweron    -> procclass [label="YES"]
  poweron    -> handwavy [label="NO"]
  procclass  -> enoughproc [label="YES"]
  procclass  -> whatzit [label="NO"]
  whatzit    -> enoughproc
  enoughproc  -> keeper [label="YES"]
  enoughproc  -> incoming [label="NO"]
== Memtest Notes ==
''Memtest is a useful tool found on many boot disks. Besides testing memory, it provides us a quick way to find processor and memory info.''
Memtest is available on ebmulti floppies, ubuntu (or other debian based) live cds, and our netboot server.

Latest revision as of 20:06, 16 February 2010