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  digraph D {
  start        [label="LAPTOP BUILD STARTS HERE", fontsize="12", shape="box", style="bold"]
  sort          [label="Donated laptops are sorted by the instructor
                        and are grouped by manufacturer. The first significant
                        step is removal of the hard drive. Significant why? To
                        protect personal information that might still reside on
                        the hard drive", fontsize="8", shape="box", style="bold"]
  hddrem        [label="Find and remove hard drive", fontsize="10", shape="box", style="bold"]
  busted        [label="Is the laptop visibly broken?", fontsize="8"]
  ask          [label="Ask an instructor what to do with it" fontsize="11", shape="ox", style="bold"]
  usb          [label="Does it have USB?", fontsize="11"]
  apples        [label="Is it an Apple?", fontsize="11"]
  macpile      [label="Give it to an instructor.\nDo not mine.", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  powerable    [label="Does it have RAM\nand a power supply?", fontsize="11"]
  getpower      [label="Add RAM or power supply", fontsize="11"]
  poweron      [label="Does it power on?\n Does it have a working screen?\n Does it post?", fontsize="11"]
  handwavy      [label="Consult Laptops FAQ on wiki \n Or Ask an Instructor.", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  procclass    [label="Can you find\n the Processor Info?\n (try entering BIOS)" fontsize="11"]
  enoughproc    [label="Does it fit into one of the specs?", fontsize="11"]
  whatzit      [label="Run Memtest\n(Don't know how?  Ask someone!)" fontsize="11"]
  keeper        [label="Fill out keeper label" fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  incoming      [label="Recycle That Laptop!",fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  start      -> sort
  sort        -> hddrem
  hddrem      -> busted
  busted      -> ask [label="YES"]
  busted      -> usb [label="NO"]
  usb        -> apples  [label="YES"]
  usb        -> incoming [label="NO"]
  apples      -> macpile [label="YES"]
  apples      -> powerable [label="NO"]
  powerable  -> poweron [label="YES"]
  powerable  -> getpower [label="NO"]
  getpower    -> poweron
  poweron    -> procclass [label="YES"]
  poweron    -> handwavy [label="NO"]
  procclass  -> enoughproc [label="YES"]
  procclass  -> whatzit [label="NO"]
  whatzit    -> enoughproc
  enoughproc  -> keeper [label="YES"]
  enoughproc  -> incoming [label="NO"]
== Memtest Notes ==
''Memtest is a useful tool found on many boot disks. Besides testing memory, it provides us a quick way to find processor and memory info.''
Memtest is available on ebmulti floppies, ubuntu (or other debian based) live cds, and our netboot server.

Latest revision as of 20:06, 16 February 2010