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== '''The Laptop Evaluation''' is a rapid, production oriented process. It is designed to quickly separate old or unserviceable technology for recycling from still serviceable or repairable, laptops and reusable parts. Consequently, extensive troubleshooting or repair is not expected or encouraged at this step. If the flow chart is too cumbersome, an evaluation checklist is provided [label=here url=http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Laptop_Evaluation_Checklist. ==
   digraph D {[fontsize="12", style="bold"]
   digraph D {
start        [label="*LAPTOP EVALUATION STARTS WITH DATA SECURITY*",  URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Data_Security", fontcolor="darkviolet", shape="box", style="bold", color="black"]
  sort          [label="REMOVE THE HARD DRIVE and put it in the incoming \n HDD bin. Tape associated drive caddy  parts, screws \n and adapter(if used) together for ease of reinstalling a new drive.\n If it's an Apple product the instructor will direct you in what to do with it." shape="box", style="bold", color="black"] 
  hddrem        [label="OPEN THE OPTICAL DRIVE by inserting a small diameter screwdriver \n or straightened paper clip into the caddy release hole. \n IF THERE IS MEDIA IN IT, REMOVE IT from the caddy and \n put it in the recycle bin.", shape="box",style="bold", color="black"]     
#  size="7,10"
  usb          [label="Does it have a USB port?", style="bold", color="red"]
    incoming    [label="Yikes! RECYCLE THAT LAPTOP! \n Affix a HARD DRIVE REMOVED sticker", fontcolor="black", style="bold", color="red"]
  node [fontname="Helvetica", fontsize="10"]
  edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
   chkit          [label="Ask your instructor to verify that \n your decision to recycle is correct." shape="box", style="bold", color="yellow"]
   removehdd      [label="REMOVE THE HARD DRIVE.\nIf you're having trouble locating\nit, consult your Instructor", style=bold, color="red" shape="tripleoctagon"]
  removecd        [label="OPEN THE OPTICAL DRIVE.\nUse a paper clip to eject the cd\ntray, and put any CD/DVDs into the\nRETURN TO RECEIVING box.", shape="tripleoctagon" color="orange"]
  usb            [label="Is there a USB port?", shape="box"]
  damage          [label="Is the screen broken or is there any other\ndamage that affects the usability of this system?", shape="box"]
  oldspecs        [label="Is the system a Pentium II or earlier?", shape="box"]
  powersupply    [label="Check the power ratings on the bottom\nof the system (sometimes underneath the battery)\nand look for a compatible adapter on the shelves.\n", shape="box", color="blue"]
  postbios        [label="Does the system POST?\nCan you get into BIOS?", shape="box"]
  postfaq        [label="Consult the POST Troubleshooting Guide...\nDoes the system POST?", shape="box", color="blue"]
  specs          [label="Do the specs fit within our Builds?\n(Consult the whiteboard, or an Instructor)", shape="box"]
  keeper          [label="IT'S A KEEPER!\nGrab a Keeper label and fill out\nthe Evaluation Checklist)", shape="doubleoctagon", color="green"]
  asis            [label="WE DON'T WANT IT...\nBUT MAYBE SOMEBODY DOES!\nFollow the As-Is Laptop checklist.", shape="doubleoctagon", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/As-Is_Checklist", color="brown"]
  parts          [label="MAKE IT A PARTS MACHINE!\nFollow the Laptop Parts Machine Checklist", shape="doubleoctagon", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Laptop_Parts_Machine", color="yellow"]
  recycle        [label="DISPOSE OF IT!\nFollow the Laptop Recycling checklist.", shape="doubleoctagon" URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Laptop_Recycling", color="red"]
  harddrive      [label="Install a hard drive appropriate for its specs.\nMake sure to note whether it's IDE or SATA", shape="box", color="blue"]
  memtest        [label="Set the machine up for Memtest.\nMake sure the RAM installed fits its Build Spec!", shape="box", color="blue"]
  shiny          [label="Is this system either:\n\nParticularly shiny?\nA model we commonly build?\nSomething you couldn't bear to see recycled?", shape="box"]
  storebox        [label="Include the power adapter, and put it on the\nbottom of the Store Cart", shape="box", color="blue"]
  instructor      [label="Once the label is COMPLETELY filled\nout, hand it to your Instructor!", shape="box", color="blue"]
  recyclecart    [label="Double check to see whether the for an\n'Uncovered Electronic Device' or 'FG-PDX' sticker\nand have your Instructor sign off on it!", shape="box", color="blue"],
  rcycle       [label="*RECYCLE Procedures.*", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php?title=Laptop_Recycling" fontcolor="darkviolet", shape="box", style="bold", color="red"]
  removehdd -> removecd
  removecd -> usb
  usb -> damage          [label="Y", color="green"]
  usb -> recycle          [label="N", color="red"]
  damage -> oldspecs      [label="N", color="green"]
  damage -> shiny        [label="Y", color="red"]
  specs -> keeper        [label="Y", color="green"]
  specs -> asis          [label="Y", color="brown"]
  specs -> recycle       [label="N", color="red"] 
  shiny -> recycle        [label="N", color="red"]
  shiny -> parts          [label="Y", color="yellow"]
  oldspecs -> recycle    [label="Y", color="red"]
  oldspecs -> powersupply
  powersupply -> postbios
  postbios -> postfaq    [label="N", color="red"]
  postbios -> specs      [label="Y", color="green"]
  postfaq -> specs        [label="Y", color="green"]
  postfaq -> shiny        [label="N", color="red"]
  keeper -> harddrive   
  harddrive -> memtest
  asis -> storebox
  parts -> instructor
  recycle -> recyclecart
  busted        [label="Is the display cracked, power connection broken, or \n other defect present rendering the laptop unusable?", style="bold", color="red"]
   { rank=min; removehdd removecd usb }
   { rank=same; parts recycle keeper asis }
  ask          [label="Ask your instructor for guidance.\n The machine may still be useful for parts."  shape="box", style="bold", color="yellow"]
  p2            [label="Is it slower than 799 MHz?", style="bold", color="red"]
  poweruf      [label="For the laptop you are evaluating, retrieve a power \n supply from shelf matching output volts and amps \n to the input volts and amps specs on the laptop." shape="box", style="bold", color="black"]    
  poweron      [label="Does it power on, have a \n working display, complete the Power \n On Self Test, and boot to Bios?" style="bold", color="red"]
  handwavy      [label="*Consult Laptops FAQ for \n typical problems preventing POST.*", fontcolor="darkviolet", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Laptop_FAQ" shape="box", style="bold"]
  poweron1      [label="Does it power on, have a \n working display, complete the Power \n On Self Test, and boot to Bios?" shape="", style="bold", color="red"]
  defect        [label="Have the instructor determine \n the disposition of the laptop." shape="box", style="bold", color="yellow"]    
  keeper        [label="*Consult Laptops FAQ.*", fontcolor="darkviolet",URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Laptop_FAQ", shape="box", style="bold"]
  enoughproc    [label="*Check the whiteboard;\n does it fit into one \n of the Laptop Specs?*", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Laptop_Specs", fontcolor="darkviolet" style="bold", color="red"]
  whatzit      [label="Run Memtest. \n See Memtest Notes" shape="box", style="bold", color="green"]
  keeper       [label="YIPPEE! ITS A KEEPER! \n At this point all laptops need a label. \n Verify with your instructor which label it gets \n and that your designation of As-Is, Keeper, or Parts is correct.\n Label options are AS-IS, KEEPER, or PARTS." fontcolor="black", shape="box", style="bold", color="green"]
  asis         [label="*POSTs TO BIOS but only meets  \n specs for thrift store AS-IS.*", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/As-Is_Checklist", fontcolor="darkviolet" shape="box", style="bold" color="green"] 
  build        [label="Laptop meets specs for grant, \n high or low end thrift store sale \n or FG-PDX." shape="box", style="bold" color="green"]
  buildrdy      [label="*BUILD*",fontcolor="darkviolet", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Laptop_Build_Checklist", shape="box", style="bold", color="green"]
  tstore        [label="Follow the AS-IS Checklist", fontcolor="black", shape="box", style="bold", color="green"]
  parts        [label="Fill out the Parts Only label and identify \n problems with laptop in detail." shape="box", style="bold", color="green"]
  prts          [label="Place a small label on the left side of the laptop \n with the name and model number for \n ease of identification in parts storage." shape="box", style="bold", color="green"]
  ps            [label="PARTS \n STORAGE" shape="box", style="bold", color="green"]
  store          [label="*Forward to \n  THRIFT STORE.*", URL="http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Thrift_Store", fontcolor="darkviolet", shape="box", style="bold", color="green"]
  start      -> sort            [label="" ]
  sort        -> hddrem          [label="" ]
  hddrem      -> usb            [label="" ]
  incoming    -> chkit          [label="OK" style="bold" color="red"]
  usb        -> incoming        [label="NO\n\n\nR\nE\nC\nY\nC\nL\nE", color="red"]
  ask        -> incoming        [label="R\nE\nC\nY\nC\nL\nE", color="red"]
  p2          -> incoming        [label="YES\n\n\nR\nE\nC\nY\nC\nL\nE", color="red"]
  usb        -> busted          [label="YES" style="bold"]
  busted      -> ask            [label="YES" style="bold", color="red"]
  busted      -> p2              [label="_NO", color="black"]
  ask        -> p2              [label="OK", color="black"]
  ask        -> parts          [label="P\nA\nR\nT\nS\n\nO\nN\nL\nY", color="black"]
  p2          -> poweruf        [label="NO or\n NOT SURE"]
  poweruf    -> poweron        [label="OK"]
  poweron    -> handwavy        [label="_NO", color="red"]
  poweron1    -> enoughproc      [label="YES"]
  handwavy    -> poweron1        [label="OK" color="red"]
  poweron1    -> defect          [label="NO" color="red"]
  poweron    -> enoughproc      [label="Y\nE\nS" color=""]
  defect      -> enoughproc      [label="PARTS \n ONLY" color=""]
  enoughproc  -> keeper          [label="YES" color="green"]
  enoughproc  -> incoming        [label="R\nE\nC\nY\nC\nL\nE" color="red"]
  defect      -> incoming        [label="R\nE\nC\nY\nC\nL\nE" color="red"]
  chkit      -> rcycle          [label="OK" color="red"]
  keeper      -> asis          [label="AS-IS" color="green"]
  keeper      -> build            [label="BUILD" color="green"]
  keeper      -> parts          [label="PARTS \n ONLY" color="green"]
  parts      -> prts            [label="THEN" color="green"]
  prts        -> ps              [label="OK" color="green"]
  build      -> whatzit        [label="THEN" color="Green"]
  whatzit    -> buildrdy        [label="OK" color="green"]
  asis        -> tstore          [label="THEN" color="green"]
  tstore      -> store          [label="OK" color="green"]
== Memtest Notes ==
''Memtest is a useful tool found on many boot disks. Besides testing memory, it provides us a quick way to find processor and memory info. Memtest is available on Ubuntu as a boot option, on our netboot server, and other Debian based live CDs. ''

Latest revision as of 12:23, 17 September 2013

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.