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This is basic data collected from various sources around Free Geek for the year 2010. It is terse and expected to be dressed up as needed depending on what it will be used for. Please add a note to the discussion page if you have suggestions for additional measurable data that should be presented.
See the [[Financial Statements]] for financial statements that go along with this information.
See the [[Financial Statements]] for financial statements that go along with this information.

Latest revision as of 15:43, 21 September 2011

This is basic data collected from various sources around Free Geek for the year 2010. It is terse and expected to be dressed up as needed depending on what it will be used for. Please add a note to the discussion page if you have suggestions for additional measurable data that should be presented.

See the Financial Statements for financial statements that go along with this information.

Program breakdown

Staff hours

Reuse and E-Waste Diversion 9,371 21%
Build 8,466 19%
Internships and Job Training 5,757 13%
Volunteer & Community Service 4,396 10%
Overhead 4,147 9%
Recycling 4,035 9%
Advanced Build 3,466 8%
Adoption 2,333 5%
Education 843 2%
Fundraising 627 1%
Replication 318 1%
Internet Access 266 1%
Total 44,024 100%

Volunteer hours

Build 33,867 39%
Adoption 29,983 35%
Internships And Job Training/Other 7,994 9%
Advanced Build 7,667 9%
Education 4,988 6%
Reuse and E-Waste Diversion 1,656 2%
Total 86,156 100%

Program highlights


Common staff jobs in the adoption program (for 990 purposes):

  • Receiving (see Internships and Job Training for NPA jobs)

Common volunteers tasks in the adoption program (for 990 purposes):

  • Receiving
  • Recycling

Volunteers 29,983 hours of work in the adoption program in 2010. This is 35% of the total volunteer hours logged across the organization.

613 computers were distributed to adoption volunteers.

Advanced Build

Common staff volunteer and jobs in the advanced build program (for 990 purposes):

  • Advanced Testing
  • Mac Build
  • Server Build

Volunteers 7,667 hours of work in the advanced build program in 2010. This is 9% of the total volunteer hours logged across the organization.


Common staff jobs in the build program (for 990 purposes):

  • Build
  • Laptops
  • Prebuild
  • Spanish Build
  • Tech Support

Volunteers 33,867 hours of work in the build program in 2010. This is 39% of the total volunteer hours logged across the organization.

281 computers were distributed to build volunteers.

Tech Support

525 tech support tickets were processed in 2010. This represents an 8% increase over the previous year.

Tech support went through a number of staff changes but a permanent co-ordinator was appointed late in 2011 and was able to enact changes in the way Tech Support operated in order to improve its efficiency.


Common staff jobs in the education program (for 990 purposes):

  • CommandLine
  • Teaching
  • Tour Guide
  • Tech Support volunteer hours also go here.

Volunteers served 4,988 hours of service in the education program in 2010. This is 6% of the total volunteer hours logged across the organization.

Internet Access

Free Geek maintained a drop-in access computer lab that was used daily throughout 2010. We also have few free access computers in coffee shops located throughout Portland, providing free Internet access for very little overhead.

Internships and Job Training

Common staff jobs in the internship and job training program (for 990 purposes):

  • Anything performed by an NPA
  • Any time administering the NPA program.

Volunteers 4,491 hours of work in the internships/job training program in 2010. This is 5% of the total volunteer hours logged across the organization.

In 2010 we expanded our nonprofit apprenticeship program to 34 hours per week for four interns for a year's duration. Nine apprentices worked during the year. Four graduated from the program in 2010, two receiving jobs in other nonprofits during the year. One continued on at Free Geek and will be enrolling in graduate school in London. Two continue to substitute at Free Geek.


Common staff jobs in the recycling program (for 990 purposes):

  • Inventory
  • Recycling
  • Recycling Coordination
  • Truck Deliveries

We estimate that we collected 829.74 tons of materials in 2010, recycling 691.45 tons.

See Talk:2010 Annual Report for a more detailed breakdown.


Common staff jobs in the replication program (for 990 purposes):

  • Anything related to "intergalactic" outreach or documentation useful to sister Free Geek and similar organizations.

In April, 2010, one staff member visited Free Geeks in the Twin Cities, Vancouver, BC, and Toronto. The staff and a board member visited Free Geek Chicago as well. Free Geek Toronto reimbursed Free Geek for a consultation while there.

Reuse and E-Waste Diversion

Common staff jobs in the reuse and e-waste diversion program (for 990 purposes):

  • Floater and Stocking
  • Free Computers!
  • Grants
  • Institutional Outreach
  • Offsite Donations
  • Online Sales
  • Thrift Store

Common volunteer jobs in the reuse and e-waste diversion program (for 990 purposes):

  • A/V
  • Grants
  • Sales

Volunteers 1,656 hours of work in the reuse/e-waste diversion program in 2010. This is 2% of the total volunteer hours logged across the organization.

A total of 23,656 computer systems (including all types of laptops, desktops, and servers) were received. 6,958 were reused (29%).

A total of 10,785 printer-family gizmos (including all types of printers, faxes, and scanner) were received. 1,490 were reused (14%).

A total of 13,697 monitor-family gizmos (including all types of CRT and LCD monitors, and CRT and LCD TVs) were received. 2,468 were reused (18%).

Volunteer & Community Service

Common staff jobs in the volunteer and community service program (for 990 purposes):

  • Food Run
  • Front Desk
  • Group volunteers
  • Inreach Projects
  • Volunteer Appreciation
  • Volunteer Program Projects

Volunteers logged 86,156 of service in 2010. 29% were in the adoption program. 49% were in the build related programs. 23% were logged in other programs, including volunteer internships -- though throughout the year, some part of the internship programs were not logged separately as internship hours and were instead logged within the build or adoption program. At the end of the year we became more consistent about logging internship hours in the internship program.

Over the course of the year, 3,698 volunteers contributed time. We had an average of 543 active volunteers. This number goes up and down from day to day depending on how many volunteers have logged at least three hours in the last 31 days. The yearly low was 439 active volunteers in January, due likely to weather and holiday issues in December of 2009. The high was 622 in March.

Other highlights

General Information

In 2010 Free Geek broke the $1 million revenue barrier for the first time.

Total income was $1,221,576. Total expenses were $1,054,698. We netted $166,878.

Income was up 24% over the previous year.

Expenses were up 30% over the previous year.

Sales was the largest income stream, accounting for $762,204. Recycling income was $263,839 (including NCER reimbursements). Cash contributions were $176,644.

The largest expense was staffing at $792,335 for the year. The next in line was occupancy at $116,137.


There were no major fundraising efforts in 2010, but we spent about $11,000 on events over the year. Notably the 10th anniversary event in October cost approximately $9,500 and brought in approximately $1,000.