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This is a wiki page concerning bands for [[GEEK FAIR]].
== Confirmed Bands ==
For last year's go to [[Geek Fair 2005 Bands]].
* [http://www.beliss.cosmikmuse.com/contact.html '''Beliss'''] - Jazzy Folk-Pop Sister Duo - [http://www.beliss.cosmikmuse.com/Assets/KPFATrees.mp3 ''sample'']
* [http://emptyroommusic.com '''Empty Room'''] - Unknown
* '''Like a Circus Fire''' - Indie Punk
* [http://tremusic.com/ '''Tre Music and Dan Mills'''] - Acoustic Ear Nectar - [http://www.mperia.com/lofi.php?id=249273&aid=19701&tp=sc ''sample of Tre'']
* [http://www.trashcanjoe.com/ '''Trashcan Joe'''] - Homebrewed Ragtime - [http://cdbaby.com/mp3lofi/trashcanjoe-01.m3u ''sample'']
* '''The Bad Mintons'''
* [http://www.doradosound.com/ '''Dorado'''] - Local Alt-Funk Trio - [http://www.kemai.com/garage/g-jam.m3u ''sample'']
* [http://www.vivianskeeper.com/ '''Vivian's Keeper'''] - Smart Pop - [http://cdbaby.com/mp3lofi/vivianskeeper2-08.m3u ''sample'']
* [http://www.gypsybasilica.com/pages/Vulturines_pages/vulturines-main.html '''The Vulturines'''] - Melodic Gypsy Punk - [http://www.gypsybasilica.com/media/Vulturine_media/Vulturines-GypsiesWorking.mp3 ''sample'']
* [http://www.rainarose.com/?view=home '''Raina Rose'''] - Acoustic Song-Writer Prodigy - [http://cdbaby.com/mp3lofi/gypsymoths-08.m3u ''sample'']
* [http://www.sweetjuice.com/schedule.asp '''SweetJuice'''] - Alt-Folk Rock - [http://cdbaby.com/mp3lofi/adamkris4-02.m3u ''sample'']
* [http://folkrum.com/home.html '''Folkrum'''] - Roots Rock - [http://www.folkrum.com/audio/FOLKRUM-Further.m3u ''sample'']
* '''Black Peppercorns'''
== Off-Stage Performance ==
* [http://www.dclxvi.org/chunk/ '''Chunk 666'''] - Mutant Tallbike Youth Brigade
* [http://www.worldisround.com/articles/182375/index.html '''Clown House'''] - Tall Mutantbike Clown Brigade
* [http://www.panicnow.net/~monkeyplus1/movies/sprockettes02.mov '''Sprockettes!'''] - D.I.Y. Synchronized Dance Troupe
== Not Confirmed ==
* Black Peppercorns - Minor Punk Band
* [http://www.stryper.com/ '''Stryper''']
* [http://www.kennyrogers.com/ '''Kenny Rogers''']
* [http://members.aol.com/mikeljaxn/jacksons/jfive.htm '''The Jackson Five''']

Latest revision as of 14:19, 17 May 2013


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For last year's go to Geek Fair 2005 Bands.