Difference between revisions of "Case Management Overview"

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Line 5: Line 5:
     askwhere        [label="Ask where\nit goes", fontsize="11"]
     askwhere        [label="Ask where\nit goes", fontsize="11"]
     compatible      [label="Is it COMPATIBLE\nwith Intel/AGP\narchitecture?", fontsize="11"]
     compatible      [label="Is it COMPATIBLE\nwith Intel/AGP\narchitecture?", fontsize="11"]
    diskless        [label="Take it to the\nDISKLESS SHELF", fontsize="11"]
     getlabel        [label="Get system labels\nfrom Receiving", fontsize="11"]
     getlabel        [label="Get system labels\nfrom Receiving", fontsize="11"]
     incompatibles  [label="NOTE:\nApple, Mac, Sun, PowerPC,\nSilicon Graphics (SGI),\nAmiga, Commodore\nare INCOMPATIBLE", shape="box", fontsize="11"]
     incompatibles  [label="NOTE:\nApple, Mac, Sun, PowerPC,\nSilicon Graphics (SGI),\nAmiga, Commodore\nare INCOMPATIBLE", shape="box", fontsize="11"]
Line 37: Line 36:
     triageoutcome -> labelit [label="RECYCLE"]
     triageoutcome -> labelit [label="RECYCLE"]
     triageoutcome -> waiting [label="WAITING"]
     triageoutcome -> waiting [label="WAITING"]
     triageoutcome -> diskless [label="DISKLESS"]
     triageoutcome -> waiting [label="DISKLESS"]
     triageoutcome -> tardis [label="TARDIS"]
     triageoutcome -> tardis [label="TARDIS"]
     labelit -> tallyit
     labelit -> tallyit

Revision as of 17:15, 10 December 2005

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.