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(only gathers for 1 year)
(only gathers for 1 year)
==Donors & Store Transactions==
fgdb=# SELECT extract( year from created ) as year, count(*) FROM
donation GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;
fgdb=# SELECT extract( year from created ) as year, count(*) FROM sales

Revision as of 18:29, 6 February 2007

this is the formula used for generating numbers relating to volunteers & their hours

"Build" volunteer count by year:

fgdb=# SELECT EXTRACT( YEAR FROM created), COUNT( DISTINCT memberid ) FROM memberhour WHERE jobtype IN ('AdvancedTesting', 'Build', 'Enterprise', 'Evaluation', 'Laptops', 'Quality', 'Repair', 'Sorting', 'Teaching') GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;

"Adoption" volunteer count by year:

fgdb=# SELECT EXTRACT( YEAR FROM created), COUNT( DISTINCT memberid ) FROM memberhour WHERE jobtype IN ('DataEntry', 'FrontDesk', 'Misc', 'Printers', 'Receiving', 'Recycling', 'Testing', 'Adoption') GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;

Total hours by year:

fgdb=# SELECT EXTRACT( YEAR FROM created), SUM( hours ) FROM memberhour WHERE jobtype NOT IN ('Adoption') GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;

Note: Teaching might be people teaching adoption classes. RfS 18:23, 24 January 2007 (PST)

Income/Expenses Calculations

all expenses = total expenses for year


  • Operational Income = total income - fundraisers - grants - online
  • Overall Income = total income


  • Operational Income = total income - c4k donations - online donations - fundraisers - grants - untracked adjustments
  • Overall Income = total income


  • Operational Income = total income - c4k donations - online donations - grants - unsolicited grants - employee matching
  • Overall Income = total income

Website Traffic

http://www.tump.com/~lmoore/logs/freegeek/ (only gathers for 1 year)

Donors & Store Transactions

fgdb=# SELECT extract( year from created ) as year, count(*) FROM donation GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;

fgdb=# SELECT extract( year from created ) as year, count(*) FROM sales GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;