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=== If you were laid off, how much lead time would you need to get your affairs in order? ===
=== If you were laid off, how much lead time would you need to get your affairs in order? ===
* Dave
* Dave --
* Geiner
* Geiner --
* Jhasen
* Jhasen -- 2 weeks
* Jon
* Jon -- 1 month
* Kathie
* Kathie -- 0
* Laurel
* Laurel -- a few weeks or a month for training people on adoption classes and finishing projects
* Liane
* Liane --
* Marlin
* Marlin --
* Martin
* Martin -- 0
* Matthew
* Matthew -- 0
* Michael
* Michael --
* Nathan
* Nathan --
* Oso
* Oso --
* Richard
* Richard -- 1 month
* Rick
* Rick -- 2 weeks to 1 month
* Shawn
* Shawn -- 2-3 weeks minimum
=== If a layoff is needed, would you volunteer to be laid off? ===
=== If a layoff is needed, would you volunteer to be laid off? ===

Revision as of 13:28, 28 February 2005

We need to gather the results from the survey we send out and put them here.

Your name:

(not tabulated)

Today's Date:

(not tabulated)

Is there anything reasonable that Free Geek could be doing that it's not that would raise more money? What?

Wish list web form on freegeek.org for folks to submit types and quantity of hardware they are looking to buy. This would guarantee sales and provide us with data that would be useful to the store.
Produce higher end systems to sell in the store.
  1. Open Saturday on holidays -- rotate staff.
  2. Open a 6th day, Sunday, once for a trial run. Evaluate. Ask for staff Val.
Um, that membership program that we started might be helpful. Selling laptops -- they are n high demand. Pursue the tech support ticket idea. Charge admission to the video game museum.
Selling more junk, on ebay if necessary.
Yes, Free Geek could encourage the many organizations and people that we somehow support to contribute a little bit towards us.
Catch more sellable stuff in receiving, test and sell it in sotre on ebay.
Possibly more advertising and various forms of outreach. Corporate donation of monies/product without strings. (For example -- Intel used to give STRUT processors.)

What areas of Free Geek are not needed to operate without losing money? How so?

C4K volunteer program coordination. These programs generate $0 and the brains and skills of their coordinators could be better used elsewhere in the organization.
CforK, NAP (old Collab)
The staff bathrooms+lounge, the stage, the museum.
I have nothing new to add here.
Grants -- no income stream here at all. If we just started selling them :-(. Hot water we could make do without :-) Turn printers into all smashtacular!
In the short term, grants, education, CforK, and tech support could all be cut. I think these areas are all important, but they are not needed for short term functioning.
Grants, CforK (currently), NAP/Collab. All help the mission which indirectly brings in money, but not directly.
CforK. Interns could be replaced by volunteers and staff. Receiving could be run by core volunteers and other staff. Volunteer coordinator postion could be absorbed back into staff.

When were you hired into the Free Geek Staff Collective? (If you are a paid intern, when did your internship start?)

  • Dave --
  • Geiner --
  • Jhasen -- Fall 2003 (Oct?)
  • Jon -- Dec 2003 started internship -- Staff started July 2004 (approx)
  • Kathie -- Approx 4 years ago
  • Laurel -- um, early 2001?
  • Liane --
  • Marlin --
  • Martin -- like 8-10 months ago?
  • Matthew -- Dec 1, 2004
  • Michael --
  • Nathan --
  • Oso --
  • Richard -- 2001
  • Rick -- 2 years, 7months agao (3 years at end of July) (when was that?)
  • Shawn -- September 2003

How many hours are you paid to work per week at Free Geek?

  • Dave 32
  • Geiner 32
  • Jhasen 32
  • Jon 32
  • Kathie 20
  • Laurel 32
  • Liane 32
  • Marlin 20
  • Martin 31
  • Matthew 20
  • Michael 20
  • Nathan 32
  • Oso 32
  • Richard 32
  • Rick 28
  • Shawn 32

What percentage of a salary cut could you afford to take?

  • 5%
    • Richard
  • 10%
    • Jhasen
    • Kathie
    • Rick
  • 15%
  • 20%
  • 25%
  • Other:
    • Jon -- 10-15% if temporary
    • Laurel 5-10%
    • Martin 50% (to pay rent and bills)
    • Matthew (minimum wage)
    • Shawn 23.5%
  • Not answered:
    • Dave
    • Geiner
    • Liane
    • Marlin
    • Michael
    • Nathan
    • Oso

(Laurel notes that a 10% salary cut doesn't reduce our personel expenses by 10%)

Are you planning on leaving this job in the next several months? If so, when?


  • Matthew (internship ends June 1)


  • Jhasen
  • Jon
  • Kathie
  • Laurel (but maybe in the fall)
  • Martin
  • Richard
  • Rick (not now -- full retirement in 2 yrs)
  • Shawn

Not answered:

  • Dave
  • Geiner
  • Liane
  • Marlin
  • Michael
  • Nathan
  • Oso

If you were laid off, do you think you would be eligible for unemployment?


  • Jhasen
  • Jon
  • Kathie
  • Laurel
  • Richard
  • Shawn


  • Matthew

Don't Know:

  • Martin
  • Rick

Not answered:

  • Dave
  • Geiner
  • Liane
  • Marlin
  • Michael
  • Nathan
  • Oso

If you were asked to take unpaid time off, how long could you last before needing to return or find other work?

  • Dave --
  • Geiner --
  • Jhasen -- 3 months
  • Jon -- 1 month (maybe)
  • Kathie -- Can't take (could take $100 pay cut)
  • Laurel -- 1 month? 2?
  • Liane --
  • Marlin --
  • Martin -- I'd find other work immediately, but it would be temporary, so I'm not sure that answers your question.
  • Matthew -- Indefinite.
  • Michael --
  • Nathan --
  • Oso --
  • Richard -- 1 week?
  • Rick -- No more than 1 month -- don't care to live paycheck to paycheck, so I stay one month ahead.
  • Shawn -- 1 - 1.5 months.

Do you want to take an unpaid leave of absence?

For how long?

  • Dave --
  • Geiner --
  • Jhasen -- Very much so. 1-3 months.
  • Jon -- Only if totally needed
  • Kathie -- No
  • Laurel -- I can take scheduled March vacation as unpaid leave, and might be able to take more in April or May if it would help.
  • Liane --
  • Marlin --
  • Martin -- I could. A few months would be easy, more possible.
  • Matthew -- I would be open to it (as needed).
  • Michael --
  • Nathan --
  • Oso --
  • Richard -- No
  • Rick -- Not at present, perhaps during summer with some advance planning.
  • Shawn -- Not really.

Can you offer to reduce your hours? By how much? Temporarily or permanently? If temporarily, for how long?

  • Dave --
  • Geiner --
  • Jhasen -- perhaps, 10, temporarily, however long
  • Jon -- yes, 12, temporarily, 2-3 months
  • Kathie -- No
  • Laurel -- Yes, 4-5, temporarily, until FG wants to see more classes
  • Liane --
  • Marlin --
  • Martin -- Yes, 10, permanent OK
  • Matthew -- Yes, 305, permanent
  • Michael --
  • Nathan --
  • Oso --
  • Richard -- No
  • Rick -- Yes, 4-8, could be permanent
  • Shawn -- Yes, 8, temporary, 2-3 months

Martin notes that he can't take off time and get everything done that he needs to do. Rick says 4 hours now. 8 at end of May. Shawn would prefer temporary byt could work out permanent.

What parts of your job are necessary for Free Geek to operate in a financially sound way? How so?

Sale of scrap, sorting/qc of scrap, forklifting of scrap, scheduling of pickups.
  1. overseeing receiving to ensure items go to proper places and don't get recycled or stolen
  2. overseeing general operations to keep everyone busy and productive. keeping up building security and do repairs on locks and doors when needed.
taking donations -- HR with donations, vol, staff, and other. Getting repeat donations. Answering phone.
adoption class and LPI exams
teaching people to build store boxes; diverging sellable items to the store; maintaining the software and infrastructure we use to bring money in; testing RAM, etc. to be sold; attending and participating in countless meetings ;-}
the part where people give me money, someone has to work at the front desk and take money.
(I also participate in PB/BBBB, BBBees, and store shifts.)
I seem my job as a "meta job", trying to get FG to better run itself -- this means financially ...
sales intern oversight, handle sales complaints and inquiries -- test many items not yet tested (perhaps with advanced testing). keep pricing up to date.
working front desk, outreach, fundraisers, accounting spreadsheet update

What parts of your job are necessary for Free Geek to meet its mission? How so?

My job is about half of Free Geek's mission. RECYCLE E-WASTE. I also do a fair amount of PR and I give a great tour.
  1. Keeping flow of incoming materials going proper direction.
  2. Teaching people how to test equipment
  3. Helping maintain testing equipment and getting it repaired or replaced when needed.
  4. Large doantion and organizing as gizmos get processed.
Meeting greeting/scheduling vol+adopters -- addressing and handling these people's concerns, teaching data entry. PR with all who come to front desk.
Any education we do in exchange for community service is explicityly fulfilling the mission. The adoption classes are also important to reuse goals.
Teaching people to build freekboxes, grant boxes; keeping our teachers and build volunteers happy and productive; shepherding grants; teaching advanced linux classes; doing cartwheels :-)
If Free Geek is a community organization, I am the person who connects Free Geek to the community.
... ("meta job" -- trying to get FG to better run itself) as well as towards its mission. Also I participate in PB/BBBB, BBBees, and store shifts.
Income to pay bills. Reuse of items not included in grants/adoption.
Volunteer intake, volunteer recruitment, PB/BBBB, redirect volunteers into more fulfilling work.

If your hours were reduced, how much lead time would you need to get your affairs in order?

  • Dave --
  • Geiner --
  • Jhasen -- 0
  • Jon -- 1 month
  • Kathie -- 0
  • Laurel -- I could probably take it in stride if everyone was considerate about time stuff
  • Liane --
  • Marlin --
  • Martin -- 0
  • Matthew -- 0
  • Michael --
  • Nathan --
  • Oso --
  • Richard -- 1 month
  • Rick -- little or none
  • Shawn -- 1-2 weeks

If your pay were reduced, how much lead time would you need to get your affairs in order?

  • Dave --
  • Geiner --
  • Jhasen -- 0
  • Jon -- 1 month
  • Kathie -- 0
  • Laurel -- Right away would be OK I guess
  • Liane --
  • Marlin --
  • Martin -- 0
  • Matthew -- 0
  • Michael --
  • Nathan --
  • Oso --
  • Richard -- 1 month
  • Rick -- little or none
  • Shawn -- 0

If you were laid off, how much lead time would you need to get your affairs in order?

  • Dave --
  • Geiner --
  • Jhasen -- 2 weeks
  • Jon -- 1 month
  • Kathie -- 0
  • Laurel -- a few weeks or a month for training people on adoption classes and finishing projects
  • Liane --
  • Marlin --
  • Martin -- 0
  • Matthew -- 0
  • Michael --
  • Nathan --
  • Oso --
  • Richard -- 1 month
  • Rick -- 2 weeks to 1 month
  • Shawn -- 2-3 weeks minimum

If a layoff is needed, would you volunteer to be laid off?

  • Dave
  • Geiner
  • Jhasen
  • Jon
  • Kathie
  • Laurel
  • Liane
  • Marlin
  • Martin
  • Matthew
  • Michael
  • Nathan
  • Oso
  • Richard
  • Rick
  • Shawn