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[[FGVwiki:Signs|Signs]] at vancouver's wiki
[[FGVwiki:Signs|Signs]] at vancouver's wiki
== Volunteer scheduling schema diagram ==
digraph g {
node [shape="box", fontname="Helvetica", fontsize="11"]
edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
groupings_schedules -> groupings [arrowhead = "crow"]
groupings_schedules -> schedules [arrowhead = "crow"]
schedules -> virtual_shifts [arrowhead = "crow"]
schedules -> jobs [arrowhead = "crow"]
schedules -> actual_shifts [arrowhead = "crow"]
virtual_shifts -> actual_shifts [arrowhead = "crow"]
jobs -> actual_shifts [arrowhead = "crow"]
jobs -> virtual_shifts [arrowhead = "crow"]
volunteers -> actual_shifts [arrowhead = "crow"]
volunteers -> virtual_shifts [arrowhead = "crow"]
;actual_shifts (representing a single shift on an actual schedule with a defined date)
:shift_date (date shift will be scheduled)
:start_time (start time of shift on that date)
:end_time (end time of shift on that date)
;groupings (a group of schedules that can be displayed together)
;jobs (job to be performed during the shift)
;schedules (for grouping related shifts)
;virtual_shifts (representing a shift or shifts on an "ideal" schedule with no actual date yet attached)
:effective_date (first date this shift can appear on an actual schedule)
:ineffective_date (last date this shift can appear on an actual schedule)
:day_of_week (day of week, 0-6 = sun-sat)
:slot_count (1-N for use in producing multiple actual shifts, default = 1)
:volunteer_id (null allowed, this volunteer will be assigned to slot #1 when actual shifts are generated)
;volunteers (volunteer specific information could go here -- i.e. first volunteer date, status, reliability index, etc.)
:name (until hooked up to main app when name will come from contacts table)

Revision as of 18:11, 16 June 2009

My Page Name (on the secure wiki

Signs at vancouver's wiki