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===Inreach does not have a mission statement yet!===
* See our current wiki page here: [[Inreach]]
===Inreach programs:===
*volunteer rewards
*core breakfast
*front desk
*public email addresses (like Volunteer@ and Info@)
*large donation thank you notes.
*room use
*relations with neighbors
*networking with other organizations
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
|+Sortable table
! RT Number !! Topic!! Status !! Suggested Action/Disposition !! notes
| 17372 || Volunteer Information Into Database || open || Stalled || Is this project done? Comment to list on 04/01/2010 asking about status ||
| 15599 || Volunteer Appreciation Brainstorm Notes || open || Stalled || Some good ideas to re-visit ||
| 15399 || Limiting resources to actual volunteers || open || Stalled || Is this still an issue? ||
| 14615 || Volunteer Management || new || Stalled || Does Inreach want to provide training for staff and interns? ||
| 14290 || More High Caliber Volunteers to Free Up Staff || new || Resolved || this RT ticket is an idea which came from a retreat; FG currently has General Conduct Guidelines and is selective about interns; this is an ongoing conversation which doesn't need its own ticket item ||
| 14260 || Get reimbursed for skills training || new || Open || see our draft Reimbursement Policy on the wiki and decide how skills training for volunteers and interns applies to Inreach ||
| 13502 || Increasing Monetary Donations at the Donation Desk || open || Resolved || we have a wiki page here: http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Talk:Scripts and this can be a specific training area on the Front Desk Orientation dance card ||
| 10798 || Large/Off Hours Tours || stalled || Resolved || **Make sure it's a regular agenda item; the off-hours are case by case / I think we do this routinely at meetings now, right? ||
| 13137 || RT Jockey || new || Resolved || *assign / we could start doing this - why not? ||
| 13135 || Computer Use Policy for the Lab || open || Resolved || is this still an issue? I think our current lab use is going fine ||
| 12897 || Combining / Transferring Hours Policy || open || Stalled || whoo-hoo! our database allows us to transfer points easily; front desk policy is to have all volunteers present when they are requesting hours to be combined/transferred; we need to find and add the language about maximum point donations possible to the wiki ||
| 11637 || Distinguishing staff from Volunteers || new || Stalled || is this a hot topic? do we need to make a decision on this? discuss it further? ||
| 10852 || Update wiki for Inreach Committee || open || increase priority || we need to develop and decide upon a mission statement or we run the risk of being an ineffective committee ||
| 10776 || Need new contact for perl mongers || new || Resolved || ||
| 10544 || Clarification on building access for non-volunteers || open || Stalled || is this still an issue? parts of our building are light-industrial and we cannot have people wandering about; I think we've all been good about enforcing this. Do we need to update any parts of our wiki or our policies? ||
| 10543 || Group Tours || open || Stalled || is this still an issue? ||
| 10324 || 1000 hour computer issue || open || Resolved || we don't do the super-1000-hours boxes anymore||
| 357 || Volunteer Orientation || open || Stalled || some good ideas in here ||

Revision as of 10:26, 20 April 2010