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* Apple
* Apple, etc:
* Mac
** Mac
** Radius
** PowerPC
** PowerComputing
* Sun
* Sun
* PowerPC
* PowerComputing
* Silicon Graphics (SGI)
* Silicon Graphics (SGI)
** Indy (they're '''blue''')
* Amiga
* Amiga
* Commodore
* Commodore

Revision as of 16:51, 24 February 2006


 digraph H {
   alreadyrejected [label="Has it\nalready been\nREJECTED?\n(reason for recycle or\nreject label?)", fontsize="11"]
   askwhere        [label="Ask where\nit goes", fontsize="11", style="bold", shape="box"]
   compatible      [label="Is it COMPATIBLE\nwith Intel/AMD\narchitecture?\n(see list of incompatibles)", fontsize="11"]
   getlabel        [label="Get system labels\nfrom RECEIVING", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
   tallyit         [label="Copy info\nfrom label to\nKEEPER TALLY SHEET", fontsize="11"]
   labelit         [label="Fill out\nand put a\nREASON FOR RECYCLING label\non its front\n(unless it already has one on it)", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
   mineit          [label="Follow instructions in\nREMOVING COMPONENTS\nFROM RECYCLED SYSTEMS\n(then come back here)", fontsize="11", shape="box", URL="/index.php/Removing_components_from_recycled_systems"] 
   putoncart       [label="Put on\nthe CART\n(label and back\nvisible)", fontsize="11", style="bold", shape="box"]
   received        [label="Has it been\nRECEIVED?\n(gizmo label?)", fontsize="11"]
   start           [label="START HERE", shape="box", fontsize="11", style="bold"]
   tallyit         [label="Copy info\nfrom label to\nTALLY SHEET", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
   triage          [label="Go through the\nSYSTEM EVALUATION 1 TRIAGE chart\n(then come back here)", shape="box", fontsize="11", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_1_Triage"]
   triageoutcome   [label="What did the\nSYSTEM EVALUATION 1TRIAGE chart\nsay to do?", fontsize="11"]
   waiting         [label="Put it on the\nWAITING PILE\nfor SYSTEM EVALUATION 2", fontsize="11", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_2_Overview", shape="box", style="bold"]
   whitehole       [label="Take to the\nWHITE HOLE", fontsize="11", style="bold", shape="box"]
   start -> received
   received -> alreadyrejected [taillabel="YES"]
   received -> getlabel [label="NO"]
   getlabel -> alreadyrejected
   alreadyrejected -> tallyit [taillabel="YES"]
   alreadyrejected -> compatible [taillabel="NO"]
   compatible -> askwhere [taillabel="NO"]
   compatible -> triage [taillabel="YES"]
   triage -> triageoutcome
   triageoutcome -> labelit [taillabel="RECYCLE"]
   triageoutcome -> waiting [label="WAITING"]
   triageoutcome -> whitehole [label="SERVER"]
   labelit -> tallyit
   tallyit -> mineit
   mineit -> putoncart 



  • Apple, etc:
    • Mac
    • Radius
    • PowerPC
    • PowerComputing
  • Sun
  • Silicon Graphics (SGI)
    • Indy (they're blue)
  • Amiga
  • Commodore