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* move toward more debian-standardness
* great default kernel
* educate users about free software

Revision as of 17:31, 9 February 2007

Ubuntu Live Conference Proposal

Ubuntu for the Masses

Ubuntu on Reused computers on the Desktop

At Free Geek our primary focus is to combat two problems facing our society today: growing levels of e-waste and the growing "digital divide". We turn these problems toward each other, taking unwanted computers, installing free software, and giving them to people who otherwise have little or no access to computers. Ubuntu is a very powerful tool in our implementation of this.



* move toward more debian-standardness
* great default kernel
* educate users about free software


As we use donated hardware to accomplish our goals, support for a wide variety of older hardware is key. Ubuntu has helped in these areas. (except getting rid of alsaconf, not cool) Having a free OS that will run on machines such as a PIII 500mhz all the way up to the newest, fastest hardware (with alternatives for slower/older machines) gives us the modularity needed to accomodate all donated machines.


As our