Difference between revisions of "Talk:Adoption Program Survey"

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;Current test link for survey: http://freegeek.limequery.com/index.php?sid=58676&newtest=Y&lang=en
;Login here: http://freegeek.limequery.com/admin/admin.php
;To do list
;To do list
:Email .csv export to Meredith
:Email .csv export to Meredith

Revision as of 17:44, 23 April 2010

Current test link for survey
Login here
To do list
Email .csv export to Meredith
Make someone the new administrator?
Add in intro text
Thinking about changing from "anonymous" to NOT anonymous
Collect feedback from Printers, Recycling Bench, Recycling Table
Need questions for when they hit "other"?
Add "Overall" / more volunteering questions
Potential questions:
How did you hear about Free Geek?
Add closing text
How will this be integrated into the adoption class?
Does this need questions about the adoption class itself?
Who will export and compile results of this survey? How often?
i.e. "Results" meaning the overall responses, but also the volunteers who respond positively to the "More Volunteering" part

Section 1

Is this the first time you've owned a computer?
In which areas did you volunteer?
Receiving / Hardware Donations
Basic Testing
Recycling Bench
Recycling Table

Section 2

Receiving Feedback

Approximately how many hours did you work in Receiving / Hardware Donations?
Less than 2 hours
2 - 6 hours
6 - 10 hours
More than 10 hours
Not sure
No answer
Please rate the staff in Receiving / Hardware Donations on the following qualities
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about staff in Receiving?
Please rate Receiving / Hardware Donations in the following areas
Overall training
Room organization and signs
Safety training
Concern about data security
Treatment of donors
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about Receiving / Hardware Donations?
Did you test any of the following items

Printerland Feedback

Please rate the Printerland staff on the following qualities
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about staff in Printerland?
Please rate Printers in the following areas
Overall training
Room organization and signs
Safety training
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share?

Recycling Bench Feedback

Please rate the Recycling Bench staff on the following qualities
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about staff in Recycling Bench?
Please rate Recycling Bench in the following areas
Overall training
Room organization and signs
Safety training
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share?

Recycling Table Feedback

Please rate the Recycling Table staff on the following qualities
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share about staff in Recycling Table?
Please rate Recycling Table in the following areas
Overall training
Room organization and signs
Safety training
Do you have any other comments you'd like to share?


What job did you do?
What did you like about it?
What did you dislike about it?

Demographic Information

This section is entirely optional. Free Geek is interested in collecting demographic information about our volunteers in order to give us a better understanding of the community we serve.

What is your zip code?
What is your yearly household income, including all earners in your household? - OR - What is your own yearly income?
Less than $10,000
$10,000 - $19,999
$20,000 - $29,999
$30,000 - $39,999
$40,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - $59,999
$60,000 or above
No answer
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Less than high school
High school/GED
Some college
2-year college degree (Associates Degree)
4-year college degree (BA, BS)
Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree
Professional Degree (JD, MD)
No answer
Race/Ethnicity (check any that apply)
American Indian / Native American
Black / African American
Hispanic / Latino
White / Caucasian
Pacific Islander
Other [type in answer]
No answer
Other [type in answer]
No answer
What year were you born?
Employment Status - Are you currently...?
Employed for wages
Out of work and looking for work
Out of work but not currently looking for work
A homemaker/stay-at-home parent
A student
Unable to work
No answer