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Hi, my name is Michael McCall. I'm currently a builder, and an adoption teacher. I'll be spending time around Free Geek on Thursdays and Satudays if you need to find me.
Hi, my name is Michael McCall. I'm currently a builder, and an adoption teacher. I'll be spending time around Free Geek full-time during the summer.
Dates when I'm not here will be posted soon.
(Hopefully soon to be a command line and build instructor too!)
(Hopefully soon to be a command line and build instructor too!)

Revision as of 16:01, 14 June 2005

Hi, my name is Michael McCall. I'm currently a builder, and an adoption teacher. I'll be spending time around Free Geek full-time during the summer. Dates when I'm not here will be posted soon.

(Hopefully soon to be a command line and build instructor too!)