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[[Category: HR]]
[[Category: HR]]

Revision as of 12:21, 20 November 2005

This format should be followed when we consider creating new staff positions or programs. It's purpose is to help us weigh the costs and benefits of new positions and programs. All proposals being considered should have this basic information available, so they can be considered side by side.

Additionally this format may be useful as a tool to assess current staff positions and programs.


  • Position Title: ________________________________________________
  • Program Name: __________________________________________________
  • Program Description:

  • Job Descriptions:

  • What best describes this position or program?
    1. Primarily income generating (expected to directly make money)
    2. Primarily meets program needs (expected to cost more money than it directly makes)
    3. Break even (expected to cost about as much money as it makes)
  • Why does Free Geek need this program or position?

Costs and potential costs

  • What are the expected financial staffing costs of the position? (Include all costs to the organization such as salary, payroll taxes, and benefits.)

  • What other costs are associated with the program? (Include materials needed, etc.)

  • How much time would be needed for training the new hire? _____________ hours
    • How much time would existing staff need to put in? _____________ hours
    • How time would existing volunteers need to put in? _____________ hours
  • Once the program is up and running how many staff how many hours per week would it take?
    • In paid staff time? _____________ hours/week
    • In volunteer time? _____________ hours/week
  • Outline the intangible costs for the position and program:

  • Are there any possible negative impacts on Free Geek's mission, and if so what?

  • How will this program or position affect other programs and positions currently in effect?

  • How will this program or position affect other programs and positions being considered?


  • Would the position and program generate income? YES / NO
    • If yes, how much income would be expected once the program is up and running? $______________ / month
    • If yes, how long would it take for the program to get to that point? ________________________
  • How does the program support the mission of Free Geek?

Measuring Success

  • How can the success of the program or position be measured?

  • For most income generating positions, the costs initially outweigh the benefits. If this is an income generating program, how long until it is expected to break even?


  • Outline a plan for implementing the program:
