Where Is Everything

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Revision as of 19:28, 14 January 2006 by Matteo (talk | contribs)
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Where Is Everything Notes

Filesystem Hierarchy

  • root filesystem
  • home/
  • root/
  • boot/
  • etc/
    • lib/
      • modules
  • dev/
  • mnt/
  • floppy/
  • cdrom/
  • bin/
  • sbin/
  • usr/
    • local/
  • tmp/
  • var/
  • opt/
  • proc/


  • locate/updatedb
  • find
  • which/whereis
  • cd , ~, ., .. (, -)
  • $PATH


  • man
  • help options
  • help
  • info
  • apropos
  • /usr/share/doc
  • howtos


  • apt-cache search
  • packages.debian.org
  • freshmeat.net
  • sourceforge.net
  • other distros


  • dpkg -L/-S
  • w/who/finger
  • lsof
  • lsmod
  • lspci
  • dmesg


  • ass
  • adv. bulder
  • build instructor
  • core

Further reading

  • filesystem hierarchy standard
  • LSB 1.3/2.0 proposal
  • linuxdoc.org (the linux documentation project, aka the howtos)
  • debian howtos
  • the man pages

Time Estimates

  • 1 hour 45 minutes
  • hierarchy: 45 minutes
  • searching: 20 minutes
  • help: 15 minutes
  • software: 15 minutes
  • other: 15 minutes