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This brave band of techies and semi-techies maintains our public web site, http://www.freegeek.org . Membership is mostly based on willingness to learn and do the work.

Our goals

I'm just putting stuff in here that seems like goals that have been implicit, if not explicit. Perhaps the webmins can talk about what we want to have for our, um, mission statement. --Ideath
  • To make sure people can find the information they need about free geek
  • To have an accessable website that reflects the organization
  • To give people the opportunity to learn and try out web skills

How we're organized

If you want to take part in this, you should probably talk to current members first, so we can get a sense of who you are and what you know. Join the webadmin email list. This list receives email from the website (webadmin@freegeek.org, that's us) about broken links, confusing pages and - whatever else the public thinks should be seen by free geek's webmasters.

If you want to make a small update and you don't think anyone would be bothered, do so and be sure to let the rest of the group know with a quick email detailing what you did.

If you want to make a larger update, i'd advise talking with as many of the group as you can, in person. See #New site thoughts, below, for more discussion about major changes.

Technologies we use

The nitty gritty.

svn, aka subversion
What we used to use CVS for: this is the versioning software that lets us keep track of changes and roll them back if necessary. It also means we can see who did what (bwa ha ha). To use it, you will need an account on the

New site thoughts

Some sort of content management system? Free Geek has a del.icio.us account, a flickr group, and who knows what else - a blog one day, a MiscGizmo feed?

People have been complaining about the layout and the organization for, oh, i don't know, five years? One of these days we'll work it out.