Council 2006 02

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Revision as of 17:43, 15 February 2006 by Halfasspete (talk | contribs) (→‎Reports)
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  • Date: February 15, 2006
  • Facilitator: laurel
  • Scribe: Pete Forsyth
  • Minutes Checker: need new minutes checker
  • Previous Meeting Minutes

Call the meeting to order

  • Are the scribe and facilitator there?
  • Check in - ask how everybody's doing.
  • Have everybody say their name (important at Council meetings.) Scribe: note names below. (under == Attendance ==)
  • You can delete this section from the minutes.


List participants here.

Old Commitments

  • Marie will add OSDL/nonprofit stuff to wiki. (DONE - see Organizations)
  • Marie & Phil will create a video that can go on the web, etc. (by March 3rd Thurs)
  • Dave, Debi, and Oso have useful media info to get on wiki. Pete will follow up.
  • Bobby, Dave will harass eBay sellers to give FG credit.
  • Martin, Wren, Clout, Wes will convene to do needs assessment for blind linux distro. Martin will send email to schedule a meeting
  • Martin or Oso will get Ambassadors minutes on wiki (DONE) Ambassadors20061216
  • everybody give feedback on Press Kit


Reports from other working groups.

Free Geek Columbus Report

  • Richard presents
  • summarize and/or link to report
  • record conversation

Receiving/Reuse Report

  • Matthew gives overview of his position, which has existed for about 6 months.
  • Several months ago, Matthew said Advanced Receiving is not necessary. He now amends that, to say that much of what he is doing right now is VERY necessary.
  • We used to have an Operations Coordinator.
  • Matthew advocates open hire of two new Operations Coordinators. He argues this will reduce the need for other staff positions that are being discussed, as it will reduce the drain on existing staff members to do receiving, etc.

Thrift Store Report

  • Sam has returned; he is very helpful, testing items and prepping them for sale.
  • Steve Stafford transitioned from intern to staff. Between Rick and Steve, this means complete coverage of store during FG hours, which will make things more smooth.
  • Volunteer help very much wanted for keeping up with things, straightening and cleaning.
  • Reuse committee has been very helpful in steadying and increasing the flow of unusual items to the store.
  • Wall between store and classroom needs to be completed. Work party March 5 and 6; please help!

Build Report

  • things are going "well"
  • Martin's going to Uganda in 1 week, for 6 weeks
  • long-time build teacher Mary Anne leaving
  • Josh and Vagrant return, Vagrant will be replacing Martin while he's gone

ASS Report

actually this is a side note from Martin's build report:

ASSes have been hard at work of late, moving the servers into the new server room, redoing much of our building's networking, and replacing a few of our more ancient bits of vital infrastructure. this is long in the coming and a great improvement.

Support Report

  • busy, but not overbearingly so (most of the time)
  • steady stream, most calls still about adopted boxes.
  • Most of the store box issues are first-time issues, so not paid for under current rules.
  • 3 common issues:
    1. password or other unfamiliarity issues (less than 1 minute)
    2. total failure of the box (infrequent)
    3. connectivity, dialup or broadband
  • Modem problems frequent.
  • help adding software (e.g., java, flash) or hardware (e.g., DVD drive or scanner)
  • hardware failure
  • problems with X (mouse reversal or new monitor)

A fair amount of my time is also spent educating adopters in how to add programs and why microsoft programs will not work. The best part of doing this job is seeing these boxes getting used as linux systems and I see much of the value of my job in making sure the linux OS is usable.

New Business

Linux Clinic

  • presenter: Aaron Burt
  • A proposal to host a monthly Linux Clinic at FreeGeek

Free Geek Gresham

  • presenter: Dave Haskins
  • What is it? Where is it? What is its status? Do we want to get involved? How do we want to get involved?

New Commitments

New commitments, and Carry-Overs copied from above.

  • name - commitment
  • name - commitment
  • etc.

Next Meeting

  • Facilitator:
  • Scribe:
  • Minutes Checker:
  • Reporters to other meetings?
  • Date: March 15, 7:15 pm
  • Place:
  • Unfinished business for the next meeting?