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We should ask people these questions, since folks might not be aware of this policy and thus not offer the information.

Also, in staff meetings, we've started adding a plus sign in the minutes whenever a committment is carried over. Old committments look like this:

Richard said he's install a skyhook in Receiving. +++++++++

...because the more times it carries over, the more +s it gets. This makes the old carryovers stand out like a sore thumb.

RfS 12:44, 13 Jun 2006 (PDT)

i just referred to this page in an email to council, and linked the meeting template to it. any ideas about how we can start integrating these questions into the culture/script? i mean, if council likes my 10 minute training proposal, i can do one that includes commitments... but that would be just one council meeting. mainly we need facilitator awareness. --Ideath