Providence Planning 08 15 2006

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Revision as of 20:13, 15 August 2006 by Ideath (talk | contribs) (pre-checked minutes)
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  • Date: August 13 2006
  • Facilitator: Richard
  • Scribe: laurel
  • Minutes Checker: Jeanne
  • Place: "Classroom"


Jeanne, Seamus, Richard(facilitator), Jac, Liane, Laurel, Dave, Steve

Old Commitments

  • Seamus - make a spreadsheet with a link on the list to fill in values for above items - DONE
  • Liane and Dave - visit the warehouse and ask questions and report back - DROPPED
    • Dave talked to Mike; see #Dave reports
    • He says the amount of info Mike has given us is enough for now; Mike's so busy we don't want to impose unless we have to
  • Proponents of the warehouse plan - continue to seek input - IN PROGRESS
    • Action has not been able to discuss it yet.
  • Outreach - work on a plan for volunteer outreach - IN PROGRESS
    • Outreach wants to know what exactly we want for a plan; planning is always ongoing.
    • At some point we will have an idea of how many volunteers we'll need; we will then want to ask outreach if that's possible and get an answer. So outreach doesn't have to have a report on this until after this committee gets those projections together.
  • Dave - fill in numbers in income/expense estimates - IN PROGRESS
    • See table. Needs to get together with rfs to get some more data.
  • Dave commits to do his commitments, His vacation is OVER! - DONE
  • Shawn - will take ideas for retention and outreach to appropriate committees and come back something like once a month ( first week of September?)


Dave reports


  • talked with Mike Wall at providence
  • we'll be getting 25 full systems with hard drives each month
  • contact is not a manager, won't be making the decision
  • we should contact the woman writing the RFP
  • some discussion about data destruction and potential to do more certified data processing, decided that that wasn't the highest priority for us to figure it out.
  • computers would be pretty much identical in big lots, high-end piii and piv
  • talk to Sue Auwerter, asset manager: 503 216 7706


The projected numbers

Discussion about the table and numbers that are currently resident at Working with Providence NW. It would be good if there were more notes about what the assumptions in that are. We need solid numbers from the past and need to note where we were short in the past and what needs to be done to mitigate that.

Space usage

  • We need to have as-built plans of the warehouse to really get this moving. Only Oso has them. Dave and rfs will arrange for time and harassment to make sure that that can move forward.
  • How about the burnin processes that were supposed to be developed? They are being developed. It will probably replace parts of Eval II. The process is hereby known as "Hardware Detection", and we want a report on the development of this system.

We need room

Please note: we need to reserve the meeting room for these meetings or we'll be doomed to float from room to room.

New Commitments

  • Proponents of the warehouse plan - continue to seek input - CARRYOVER+
  • Outreach - work on a plan for volunteer outreach - ON HOLD
  • Dave - fill in numbers in income/expense estimates - IN PROGRESS
    • Needs to get together with rfs to get some more data.
  • Shawn - will take ideas for retention and outreach to appropriate committees and come back something like once a month ( first week of September?)
  • Liane - contact Sue Auwerter at Providence
  • Dave and rfs - make sure Oso has time on the schedule to work on the warehouse plans
  • laurel - reserve the meeting room for the next month's meetings

Next Meeting

  • Facilitator: laurel
  • Scribe: Steve
  • Reporters to other meetings
    • Seamus will summarize our vision of the group's role
    • Dave will do the glib and flippant report
  • Date and time: August 22, 7:30 (late, so Steve can scribe)
  • Agenda:
    • Hardware Detection report