Laptop Evaluation

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Simple laptop Evaluation Tinyspid.gif


 digraph D {
  1. size="7,10"
  start         [label="START HERE", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  usb           [label="Does it have usb?", fontsize="11"]
  apples        [label="Is it an Apple?", fontsize="11"]
  macpile       [label="Put it in the Mac pile.\nDo not mine.", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  powerable     [label="Does it have RAM\nand a power supply?", fontsize="11"]
  getpower      [label="get 'em", fontsize="11", shape="diamond"]
  poweron       [label="Does it power on?", fontsize="11"]
  screeny       [label="Working screen?", fontsize="11"]
  handwavy      [label="Give it to an instructor\nfor Eval2.", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  posty         [label="Does it post?", fontsize="11"]
  procclass     [label="Processor Class Shown?" fontsize="11"]
  enoughproc    [label="Pentium MMX 233 or better?" fontsize="11"]
  bios          [label="Enter BIOS\n(usu.F1,F2,F10,DEL or ESC)" fontsize="11"]
  yet           [label="Proc class shown yet?" fontsize="11"]
  whatzit       [label="Boot With Memtest \n+86 disk" fontsize="11"]
  record        [label="Pull Hard Drive*\nand record info\non keeper sticker" fontsize="11"]
  hdnote        [label="*If HD hard to remove,\nwipe in system" fontsize="11" shape="diamond"]
  hipower       [label="Over 1.4Ghz?" fontsize="11"]
  lockup        [label="Give it to an instructor\nfor Lockup.", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  recycle       [label="RECYCLE the system", fontsize="11", shape="box", style="bold"]
  hdsize        [label="Hard Drive 4GB or larger?", fontsize="11",]
  hdrecyc       [label="Throw in Bad HD bin", fontsize="11",shape="box", style="bold"]
  hdkeep        [label="Put in disk wiping\nincoming", fontsize="11",shape="box", style="bold"]
  file          [label="File the Keeper\nby Brand", fontsize="11",shape="box", style="bold"] 

  start       -> usb
  usb         -> apples  [label="YES"]
  usb         -> recycle [label="NO"]
  apples      -> macpile [label="YES"]
  apples      -> powerable [label="NO"]
  powerable   -> poweron [label="YES"]
  powerable   -> getpower [label="NO"]
  getpower    -> poweron 
  poweron     -> screeny [label="YES"]
  screeny     -> posty [label="YES"]
  screeny     -> handwavy [label="NO"]
  poweron     -> handwavy [label="NO"]
  posty       -> procclass [label="YES"]   
  posty       -> handwavy [label="NO"]
  procclass   -> enoughproc [label="YES"]
  procclass   -> bios [label="NO"]
  bios        -> yet
  yet         -> whatzit [label="NO"]
  yet         -> enoughproc [label="YES"]
  whatzit     -> enoughproc
  enoughproc  -> hipower [label="YES"]
  enoughproc  -> recycle [label="NO"]
  hipower     -> record  [label="NO"]
  hipower     -> lockup [label="YES"]
  record      -> hdnote 
  record      -> hdsize
  hdsize      -> hdrecyc [label="NO"]
  hdsize      -> hdkeep  [label="YES"]
  hdrecyc     -> file
  hdkeep      -> file  

} </graphvizr>

Laptop Evaluation2