Board 2006 10

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Revision as of 19:21, 11 October 2006 by Ideath (talk | contribs)
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  • Date: October 11, 2006 5:30pm
  • Facilitator: laurel
  • Scribe: Oso
  • Minutes Checker:
  • Place: Acme


Laurel - FGB/facilitating
Seamus - FGB
Marie - FGB
Jon - FGB
Wren - FGB
Matteo - FGV
Richard - FGS
Dave - FGS
Oso - FGS/FGB/scribing
Aaron - FGV (late)

Board Business

New Director

Jon is welcomed, Seamus wondered which position (term length) he should take
BOARD AGREES - 2 years. The council will elect a 1-term director

We do not have a lot of orientation materials for new board members. We have a book but don't know where it is at the moment. RFS will look for it.

Marie will send links to board info.

Lar: FG board is unique, many things that are traditionally part of the board responsibilities are handled by the Council. Also, we use consensus.

Further questions an be sent to the email list.

Officer election

See the bylaws for more information on officers and their election.

  • Chairperson
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary


Mt. Hood Grant

see directors list archives for discussion and context

Budget Report

Budget Amendments

  • Laptop Coordinator
  • Office Coordinator
  • other requests?

Credit Card progress

Goin' back to Mt. Hood

Board's role and actions in fundraising

  • Marie will kick off this discussion
  • should cover both fundraising and grant activities


  • RFS will seek the board info book (Chapter #?)

Next Meeting

  • Facilitator:
  • Scribe:
  • Minutes Checker:
  • Reporters to other meetings?
  • Date and time:
  • Place:
  • Unfinished business for the next meeting?