Job Activities for Matteo Bell

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Revision as of 18:28, 28 February 2007 by Rfs (talk | contribs) (spelling)
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Job Title
Other Paid Staff
I do not have a job description at this time

My major areas of work

I dabble in......

Production Support
Build Coordination, Mac Build (program start up tasks), Memory sorting and testing, HD testing,
Outreach (inreach?)
I'm a Free Geek delegate for PAWC, GAP, Startups (franchise), Trademark,
Action tasks
Receiving, Recycling, Security guard
Server room meta issues, light system administration, Product tester.
I try to document everything in this wiki my self, but I find it easier to teach those who are interested how to document to document. (also my spelling and grammar needs some work)

Things I don't have time for

Advanced testing documentation (its all in our heads).

Other notes

  • My Production tasks are split up into 15-20 minute chunks through out the day.
  • Regular meetings I go to include: ASS, C7, Council, O&P, Propagation, Receiving, Reuse, Technocrats
  • Meetings that i some times go to: Action, Education