FG Vancouver-Floor Plans for our First Location

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Revision as of 22:27, 20 May 2007 by Gcrimp (talk | contribs)
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I've put together some floor plans of our new location hoping they might be useful to planning the space. The washroom floor plan is included as we will need to make some accessibility modifications to the area.

Please take all measurements and representations of scale with scepticism. I'm not a draftsperson, or carpenter, etc. Though some measurements may be noted to a quarter of an inch, they are not necessarily that accurate. I wasn't sure for example, if I should measure doorways to the jam itself or to the stop that prevents the door from swinging all the way throught the hole. Also, I didn't measure the fixtures in the washrooms, only the clearances between them and the walls. I didn't notice if the toilets matched, but I used the same objects to represent them in the drawing. I did notice that the sinks don't match, so that's why they look so different.

Sitting back writing this, I now realize that the narrowest measurement would be the most useful for accessibility issues, but I just wanted to get some quick measurements while we were visiting the site for other reasons. I couldn't even say how I made most of the measurements if asked. So, if any of the measurements seem borderline, or critical, don't rely on these floor plans---go measure again.

In the larger space, the belongings of the old tenant still being there, it wasn't easily to get a straight line with the tape measure from one spot to another, so guesses were made as to how much adjustment was necessary to account for a wow in the tape.

Also, I've never drawn schematics before. I suspect these will be very difficult to read on the screen. They may need to be printed to their full size to be readable. I'm not sure if the the measurements will be legible even then. If not, I'll find another way to get the information out.

Here goes:

The main space: Fgv new home.png

The washrooms (the floor of the washrooms is raised 41 or 42 inches off the ground): Fg wc.png