Sales Plan

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Thrift Store Plan

SWOT analysis

  • Strenghts (Internal)- Ever rising income, improvements in shopping experience and merchandising, ever-increasing efficieny (more work can be done with the same amount of labor). Slowly improving volunteer base. (External) Widespread poverty makes our products attractive. Our prices remain leading edge because of the large amount of volunteer labor we have. Our intellectual captial widens reuse opportunities dramatically. A supportive group of volunteers and staff. Pricing control given to one person (the Sales Coordinator) allows for rapid response to changes in value (depreciation through obsolecense) and quick reaction to gluts of product.
  • Weaknesses - (Internal) - Poor flow control makes for a good deal of redundant labor (improving). Point-of-Sale limitations (e.g., no scanners (therefore slow transaction time), single till, limited ability to handle quick transactions make using the space as intensively as possible difficult. Small footprint limits the overall number of customers that can be handled. FG often attracts personalities that are not ideal for a retail environment. Improvements in appearance are largely capital intensive, and that money is slated for more mission-intensive endevours. We can not sell enough computers to keep our build volunteers busy. We have a less service-oriented group of volunteers than most 501c3s (probably because of the tit-for-tat nature of "you do somethings (volunteer), you get something (a computer)." Too much time spent hunting for small parts for non/marginal volunteers. We have no effective, consistent, and implementable system for dealing with people who abuse thier volunteer discounts for profit.
  • Strengths (External) Our good name in the community allows to operate without offering money-back on returnes (good faith). We have a small but extremely regular group of customers. Our volunteers like us enough to act as word-of-mouth advertising. Our customers will frequently help answer questions for customers when we are busy. Microsoft and Apple both offer outrageously priced products.
  • Weaknesses (External) Most people who know about Free Geek do not know that it has a thrift store (or for that matter, where it is). Our webpage is quite inaccurate at this time about which things we have. Our external sign is only readable at short distances in bright light. Linux is not a household name, and there is a good deal of apprehension about "taking the plunge." American consumers are used to warranties and returns. People expect technology to "just work" (yes, still!) and do not want to monkey with things like codecs. Resellers quickly learn our discout is vulnerable to manipulation.


  • stuff


  • stuff


  • stuff here too


  • Still more good stuff

Onlines Sales Plan

Bulk Sales Plan

State of the program

We are chugging along at a steady pace.Most of the items we are selling are unusable in Free Geeks other streams because we have so so many parts.

Current and past issues

Bulk sales has grown slowly. We are not currently structured to handle larger requests for items in bulk.

Trends and predictions

Bulk sales will grow as we find more partners in the Reuse business who are looking for bulk used parts.


Please define a goal for this SWOT
Good (for Free Geek) Bad (for Free Geek)
(to Free Geek)

Strengths: Strengths are advantages we have that are internal to Free Geek and helpful to achieving the objective. (Good things we do.)

Weaknesses: Weaknesses are problems we have that are internal to Free Geek and harmful to achieving the objective. (Things we do poorly or not at all.)

(to Free Geek)

Opportunities: Opportunities are advantages we have that are external to Free Geek and helpful to achieving the objective. (Good things that will or could happen to us.)

Threats: Threats are problems we have that are external to Free Geek and harmful to achieving the objective. (Bad things that will or could happen to us.)

See also Trends and Attributes | What do we want to do?