Big Meeting Minutes

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Place: Free Geek Big Room
Facilitator: Richard
Scribe: Laurel and Ebeth
Attendance: Taken on a sheet
Agenda: Big meeting agenda


Frameworks for considering possible paths: dichotomies that can be used to describe Free Geek, attributes and trends. (See agenda) Presented by Richard.


Build, production and space usage: Matteo

See Production plan

  • programs will have to change in response to changes in hardware, may become less educational
  • problems in space use have arisen because of the piecemeal development of the production programs



  • Link to relevant conversation.
    (Summarize Presentation)
  • List Clarifying Questions
    • Question - Answer
  • List Concerns
    • Concern - Questions Which Clarify the Concern
  • Proposal:
    (final proposal)
    • Decision adopted (with Unresolved Concerns Listed - AKA Stand Asides) | Send to Committee (if creating a new committee list interested people)


New commitments, and Carry-Overs copied from above.
  • Name - commitment - status (discussion points if necessary)
  • Name - commitment - status (discussion points if necessary)

Next Meeting

  • Facilitator:
  • Scribe:
  • Minutes Checker:
  • Reporters to other meetings?
  • Date and time:
  • Place:
  • List of unfinished business for the next meeting: