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Proposed Policy

Your safety is the constant concern of Free Geek. The action committee makes regular inspections and holds regular meetings. They report to the whole collective to plan and implement further improvements in our safety program. Common sense and personal interest in safety are still the greatest guarantees of your safety at Free Geek.

The cooperation of every employee and volunteer is necessary to make Free Geek a safe place in which to work and volunteer. Help yourself and others by reporting unsafe conditions or hazards immediately to a staff member or, more specifically, to a member of the Action committee. Begin right by always thinking of safety as you perform a task, or as you learn a new task.

Specific safety rules and guidelines
  • Running and horseplay is not cool.
  • Provide safety equipment like gloves and goggles, and recommend their use.
  • Wearing appropriate clothing for the task.
  • Do not block access to fire extinguishers and breaker boxen.
  • Report any UNSAFE condition.
  • Clean up spilled liquid, oil, or grease immediately.
  • Clean up any idems on floor that maybe stepped on causing slipping and falling.
  • Do Not smoke inside.
  • Pile gizmo's, boxes, pallets, or other equipment so as not to block aisles, exits, fire fighting equipment, electric lighting or power panel, valves, etc. FIRE DOORS AND AISLES MUST BE KEPT CLEAR
  • When stacking cardboard boxs, put the full one on bottom. Watch for breaking down of bottom boxs sides, so that top one tips, as it could fall over and hurt someone.
Accident reporting
Injury at Free Geek should be reported and receive first aid attention. Serious conditions often arise from small injuries if they are not cared for at once. We use RT to track the reports.


Safety Tips By Area


  • do not put monitors larger than 17" on top shelves


~ Know your lifting ability. Monitors are often heavy; remember that it is ok to ask someone to help you. ~ Keep an eye on carts with monitors on the top level as they sometimes tip over, especially if they are too near the edge of the sidewalk. ~ Do not pack monitor gaylords alone, this is a 2 person job. ~ When cutting wire, particularly wallwarts, use insulated clippers. ~ Be careful when smashing printers. This is best done behind the row of gaylords while keeping an eye on the windows.

~ If you do get hurt, please inform a staff member immediately, even if it seems like something little. We just want to make sure you are ok.




  • keep objects out of pathway. i.e. free boxs under table need to be push back out of the way.
  • keep box lids tucked inside and out of path ways.
  • keep floor swept and free of objects to avoid slipping.


Between Here and There

  • keep sidewalk pathway clear of donated items and paper or other items that may cause slipping.
