Volunteer Internship Schedule
Unpaid interns get into their positions through a process. For detailed job descriptions, see Free Geek's internship descriptions page.
David Parrish
- Job Title: Receiving Specialist
- Begins:
- Duration: indefinite
- Hours per week: 20
- Schedule:
- Superviser:
- Paperwork: None
- Job description: Train volunteers how to do the System Evaluation and Sorting jobs. Communicate with Build, Receiving, Recycling and other parts of Free Geek and perform associated tasks to make the Prebuild areas run smoothly.
Note: Ron may have some conflicts with his build program participation for the first couple of weeks, but he should be able to fully meet this schedule by mid February.
Candyce Scott
- Job Title: System Evaluation Intern
- Duration: Oct 2007 - March 31, 2007
- Hours per Week: 10
- Schedule: 1-6, Tue and Thu
- Supervisor: Richard
- Paperwork: for school
- Job Description: System Evaluation
Candyce was gone over winter break for about a month. She starts again on Jan 8.
Wei-Chun Hung
- Job Title: System Evaluation Intern
- Duration: March 2008 - Summer 2008
- Hours per Week: 4
- Schedule: 11:30 - 3:30 Saturday's
- Supervisor: Richard
- Paperwork: for school
- Job Description: System Evaluation
Richard Schulstad
- Job Title: Volunteer Recycling Intern
- Duration: 60hrs (about 7 weeks)
- Hours per Week: 9
- Schedule: 3:30pm - 6:30pm Wed, Thur, Fri
- Supervisor: Liane
- Paperwork: 3 small evaluations for Highschool
- Job Description: work in Recycling, eventually help with some supervision
Andrey Solovyov
- Job Title: Store and Prebuild intern
- Begins: 1/2/08
- Duration: 16 weeks
- Hours per week: 4
- Schedule: Wednesday, 330-730
- Superviser: Luiz
- Paperwork: Coming
- Job description: In progress. Store coverage and merchandising to start.
Kristi McClintock
- Job Title: Bookkeeping intern
- Begins: 11/9/2007
- Duration: ongoing
- Hours per week: 3
- Schedule: Friday, 3-6 or so
- Superviser: Richard
- Paperwork: none
- Job description: Help with bookkeeping, etc.