Volunteer Intern Process for Program Coordinators

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Revision as of 15:54, 25 March 2008 by Shawn (talk | contribs)
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This page is to help Volunteer Internship Program Coordinators through the process. If you're supervising an intern and want some guidance, check out the Volunteer Intern Process for Supervisors page.


  • Work with individual staff members to create a detailed job description for a needed internship. The job description is created on the wiki using a template, and then posted on our internships page. When supervisors want to make a change to the job description, they should change the wiki and then alert the program coods so the website can be updated.
  • Screening: be sure the prospective intern is up for the job. Some internships are appropriate for less-skilled or less outgoing interns, and some need real go-getters. Check Volunteer Intern Supervisors for staff member's individual druthers on the subject.