Vendor paperwork

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Paperwork we need from recycling vendors.

Bill of Lading

This is a piece of paper issued when material is picked up from Free Geek and hauled away. It needs to state clearly:

  • a unique identifier
  • the date
  • the name of the company receiving the material
  • estimated type and quantity of material received


If we will owe money based on the material hauled away, we need an invoice. It needs to state clearly:

  • a unique identifier
  • the date
  • the name of the company that received the material
  • a reference to the bill of lading
  • for each item:
    • type of material
    • number of pieces or weight
    • price per piece or per unit of weight
    • amount owed
  • a total amount owed for this invoice

Settlement Sheet

If we are owed money based on the material hauled away, we need an settlement sheet. It needs to state clearly:

  • a unique identifier
  • the date
  • the name of the company that received the material
  • a reference to the bill of lading
  • for each item:
    • type of material
    • number of pieces or weight
    • price per piece or per unit of weight
    • amount owed
  • a total amount we will receive for this settlement sheet


A statement covers a period of time. We need to be able to get a statement that contains the following information:

  • The date range covered
  • The amount owed or owed to us at the beginning of the statement date range.
  • An itemized list of transactions that occurred during that date range. Each item showing:
    • an payment, invoice or settlement sheet identifier
    • the amount owed or owed to us for that invoice or settlement sheet, or the amount paid for a payment
  • The amount owed or owed to us at the end of the statement date range.