User:RfS/Cashiering Issues

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processing today's transactions:

  • front desk did not produce an income report (but the store one worked fine)
  • one credit card slip from the front desk was not printed out. these can be printed after the fact (even though that wouldn't have a signature on it).
    • Yes, the credit card jammed when printing receipt #4, Michael fixed it and receipt #5 IS the reprint of #4. It is noted on the receipt.
      • I believe this is a mistake. On the credit card report #4 is for $5.00 and #5 is for $10.00.
      • It looks like:
      • #4 = 116718
      • #5 = 116722
      • When you re-print a credit card receipt, it uses the same number and says "DUPLICATE" on it. So we are still missing receipt #4. (I don't think this can be retrieved the next day either.)
  • several mileage related reimbursement forms were submitted without any kind of receipt. we should settle how these should get handled. i think we need a simple form drivers can fill out to report mileage. i think auditors would tell us this as well, but maybe it requires a little research?
    • Ali is creating a form we will stock at the desk. Jacob now knows all reimbursement forms must be accompanied by a receipt.
  • the store credit card machine really needs a new ink cartridge in it. our copies are unreadable.
    • Luiz had one hidden and MK submitted a supply request to Liane for more.
      • Kathie thinks the ones we had were tossed out. When we get more, we should mark the box as FREE GEEK CREDIT CARD MACHINES or some such.
      • Luiz later said he thought they'd sold them in the store, not knowing they were infrastructure
  • liane gave me the deposits from the bank.
  • Mar 13, 14, and 18 were all submitted more or less properly, but none had photocopies of the checks attached. We should be photocopying all checks and attaching them to the report that goes to the bank for deposit. (This is the most consistent with what we're already doing for special deposits.)
  • Mar 15 had the check photocopy but didn't have the beancounting worksheet. Oops!

Today was pretty straightforward.

The store was missing a single credit card receipt for $6.

The ink in the store machine is still out and still needs replacing in spite of reports that that was taken care of.

Store miscounted nickels by one and was actually over 5 cents. NBD.

Front desk was $8 over as reported. Only issue was an unstamped check.

Report from March 22, 2008

The credit card slip #24 from store is missing ($35)

The front desk was short by $50. There were two receipts in the till, totalling $50. Were these supposed to be invoices? If they were invoices and wrongly coded in the database that would correct the shortfall. If they were invoices, there was no indication of that on the copies and no indication of whether we needed to send (or had sent) a copy of the invoice through the mail. This is all very confusing. I asked Jacob if he knew anything about it and he did not.

First off, the ink in the store credit card machine is completely used up and must be replaced.

Also, I didn't count the tills yesterday, and one other person must've missed this week, because there were three to count. This makes less work for Kristi, less likely deposits get made promptly, and makes it more difficult to reconcile the cash box on Saturday.

Notes below. Most importantly, we need to clarify what gets done with pickup and delivery charges with no receipts. There were two in the last three days.

3/26 -- Neither the store nor the front desk included an income report from the database.

The store wrote down the wrong number of ones, but somehow got the right total. They forgot to record the date on the end of shift form. Short 50 cents.

3/27 -- store didn't fill in the total real from db spot, but otherwise fine.

front desk had a $20 receipt for "pick up" (dave) but no receipt.

3/28 -- store recorded wrong date and didn't fill in the total real from db spot, but otherwise fine.

front desk had a $20 receipt for "delivery - dave" but no receipt.

Report for 4-2-08 tills:

Thrift Store

  • no name or date on till-worksheet
  • till worksheet incorrect:
  • put credit/debit total into "money receipts" resulting in incorrect shortage of $781.87 on automated till worksheet
  • "unfound credit receipt of $19.50" noted on handwritten worksheet, I did not find this to be true
  • credit card receipt #9 missing, #10 is a void of #9.
  • credit of $26.50 #217778 in database does not exist in credit machine report, and till was exactly $26.50 short. Credit would have had to occur between sales receipt #3 & #4 on credit machine, so logically seemed to be duplicate of #217775 and deleted record #217778
  • came out even steven in the end

Front Desk

  • 3 checks not stamped
  • even steven

Thrift Store

  • forgot TS# on one credit receipt

otherwise a-okay!

Front Desk

  • forgot to stamp one check
  • forgot to itemize money receipts and reimbursements
  • credit receipt #117342 = credit for $12 on credit card machine entered as $10 in database, MKW changed to $12 in database, so there is now a $2 shortage in the till total for the night.

otherwise a-okay!

I'm doing the thrift store till from 4-3-08 to assist Richard today, he will count the front desk and do the deposit.

Thrift Store

  • multiple missing credit card receipts = #1, #12, & #13.
  • Jessica still plugging number into "money receipt" and not doing math correctly. Talked to her about this last night and created cheat sheet for her, color coded, showing which number go where in either till worksheet.
  • 57.93 overage "cup money that didn't 'create'" per Jessica.

Perhaps someone else would be willing to take a stab at explaining the till worksheet to Jessica, or sit with her one night at closing while Luiz is on vacation? She almost always gets the right number at the end, but doesn't show correctly, on paper, how she gets there.

Running away to the front desk, now. RFS will finish the FD till.

Thanks for your help with this,

4/4 had a $14 overage in the store otherwise fine.

As to 4/3:

Front Desk:


$7.25 in reimbursements was reported in money receipts, making a $14.50 error.

We were not $14.49 short as reported, but $0.01 over.

Thrift Store:


$57.93 overage!

The note says "$57.93 over was from cup money that didn't "create".

This was the same day that we had database problems at the end of the day. The store likely tried to put all the money in the cup into the till and create a transaction for the $57.93 that was in the cup. When it didn't take (because of the database problems) it did not get recorded in the database and thus created the overage in the till.

We should find out how much $$ accumulates in the cup, I guess. I noticed a few dollars in there this morning.

Thrift Store #2

  • missing credit card receipt #13 for $40.00

Front Desk #2

  • i counted the till i closed last night

both tills came out on the dot.

Thrift Store #3

  • morning count not signed (was it counted?)
  • credit card report not in till
  • $0.15 found at register when hunting for credit card report
  • beancounting worksheet signed by Luiz, but income report printed by Jessica. (wrong person was probably logged into the system. luiz was scheduled to close. jessica would've likely left at 6:30 pm.)
  • there was one check, unstamped and with no TS number on it
  • credit card amount left off of beancounting worksheet
  • wrong total used on beancounting worksheet
  • $2.15 over. (closer had calculated $2.00 plus $0.15 from the found coins)

Front Desk #3

  • $0.05 over
  • mileage note not listed on beancounters worksheet

This is the day the database died, so there's a lot of issues starting there.

Thrift store #1

  • count on dimes off by 1
  • included reimbursement? receipt from Parr lumber for 9.00 or 13.99? No reimbursement slip filled out.
  • mis-entered total real from database on beancounting worksheet (wrote 1037.25, should have wrote 1307.25 -- off by 270.
  • can't figure out how far off the till was due to reimbursement issue, but it is somewhere under $34

Front Desk #1

  • no problems

Thrift Store #2

  • morning count not signed (was it counted?)
  • unexplained note. says "97214, 1 key 3, 1 mouse 5, 1 dup 8" ???
  • mis-counted pennies
  • mis-counted nickels
  • $3.00 over (not $3.04 due to coin mis-counts)

Front Desk #2

  • two checks unstamped
  • probable duplicate not removed from db
  • till right on

OK. We all agree that the change cup in the store is a bad idea, but we might be stuck with it in some form until we can address the underlying problems. (No second till, etc.)

So until then, we ask the store cashiers to empty the cup often during the day, recording misc transactions in the database. We also ask them to empty it before they count the till at the end of the day.

If we still find ourselves with change, this is what we should do (as beancounters):

Each morning, before opening, grab the cup and put the money in the store till from the night before. If we do this, the till will typically be over when it's counted, so we'll correct the paperwork from the night before (since the money will no longer match), and we will register the overage in the books.

I just did this with last night's cup ($13.26). When I put the cup back (just now) there was a new coffee stained mug in place with a quarter in it.