Regularly Scheduled Tour Guides

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Revision as of 14:16, 5 September 2008 by MaryKate (talk | contribs)
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Look at all our dedicated tour guides! This is the list of regularly scheduled guides:

  • 12 noon: Michael Kaufman (backup: Kathie)
  • 6 PM: Blaine
  • 12 noon: Jessica
  • 6 PM: Jacob F. (Evan = soonest available backup)
  • 12 noon: Jacob F. (Evan = soonest available backup)
  • 6 PM: Kurt Krueger (backup:Jacob F. - replace with Charles)
  • 12 noon: Bob Griggs (backup: Kathie)
  • 6 PM: Darryl (replace with Renee or Evan)

Other options: - Charles should do 1 tour - See if Jessica is willing/able to pick up 1 more?

  • 12 noon Kathie
  • 2 PM: Gil - Spanish Tour (backup: eventually Renee)
  • 6 PM: Sophia

Thank you Tour Guides!