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How to use the phone: Transfers - numbers for front desk, tech support (hours)... Use the button at bottom to adjust volume. Make sure you put customers on hold while discussing 'sensitive' material. Try not to encourage people to call us for tech support, give them Jason Hohmann's info. Be solid, we know our policy best. Maybe we shouldn't be telling people to call and ask if we have laptops, it can be a bit excessive. Also if they call and ask, we can't hold it for them, and it could get awkward if someone in store wants to buy it, while the person who called is driving/bussing/walking over. Refer to craigslist/ebay for especially specific items. Refer to list of commonly asked questions.

Commonly asked questions: Do you have laptops? Unless there is one on the counter, we don't. Unless the person seems especially tech savvy, do not refer to as is laptops. The best day to find a laptop is on Saturdays.

Do you have laptop parts? The only laptop parts we have are small hard drives (at most 12G) and power adapters. These are located behind the counter, make sure that the Voltage matches, the Amperage can be a bit under but not by too much otherwise it will drain the battery. Over is okay. Any other laptop part refer to ebay.

Do you have wireless cards? Chances are no. Find out when you come in if there are any. When we do they sell quickly.

Do you have cell phones? No.

Do you have LCD screens? No, unless they are on the counter. We seem to receive about 5 a day.

Do you know how to use this {insert device i.e. palm pilot, obscure gizmo}? We're not here to coach people through using these things. If you know a little feel free to tell them the basics, but we're not trying to send people away with a device that's more complicated than their ability level allows. Especially because we don't offer user manuals for a lot of things, people need to know what they're doing.

Is this device compatible with x? If you don't know offhand, you can always refer people to the computer to do product research. This works especially well for people who want to know about certain software we sell, or whether the computers we sell are going to work with the software they want to use.

Why are all of your computers booted with Linux? Linux is a user friendly free-ware OS, it's also extremely resistant to viruses. We have basic user guides and can walk users who are especially timid through some of the first steps. If Linux is kept of the machine we offer 1 year of tech support. Also any software needed can be downloaded for free, instead of having to pay exorbitant prices as with Microsoft or Apple.

Anytime anyone asks for something you think we might have but is probably buried in a bin (i.e. a six foot ethernet cable, or a specific charger for a cell phone) refer them to the bin where it would be. Don't bother spending time digging for them.

Do you have SATA drives? If we do they're behind the IDE drives at the far right of the shelf.

Will this video card make me able to play my game? Our video cards are usually 128mb, every now and then we'll have a 256 one which will help, but ultimately this is a time to refer people to product search, unless you know off the top of your head. Also make sure they know whether they need a PCI or AGP card...

Are these speakers good quality? Do these headphones work? Does this TV work?