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The Lesson

CPU is an abbreviation for Central Processing Unit. The CPU is the brains of the computer and is commonly referred to as simply the "processor". It is the most important part of the computer. The CPU/Processor processes data and instructions, does calculations and whatever the software programs tell it to do. Incoming and outgoing information is frequently routed via the Northbridge which helps coordinated messages.

Types of processors
  • slot processor
  • socket processor

The Excersise

Identify the following
  • slot processor
  • zif socket (digits)
  • processor speed
  • IDE connector
  • button battery
Hands on
  • remove the heat sink to read the proc speed and put it back on.
  • remove and put back the button battery

This Box Should Contain:

  • slot processor
  • CPUs: IBM and AMD
  • mobo with slot processor
  • mobo with a socket processor
  • magnifying glass
  • tools to remove the fan and heatsink