Receiving Calendar

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This is a page for pre-announcing major drop offs and such.

Please include:

  • company name:
   * contact person:
   * contact's phone #:
   * contact's email:
   * day & date:
   * estimated time of arrival:
   * pallets yes/no:
   * estimate on amount:
   * FG contact (that's you!):   

  • Hey, this is just a heads up. Rejuvenation (the company) just called to schedule a donation of two pallets on Thursday, December 18. The time still isn't confirmed. You can contact Ruthie at 503-944-1773 or if there are any questions.

Please be sure to tell the company contact:

  • About CRT & Television fees
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY: "We are not open on Sundays and Mondays and do not arrange for drop offs on those days."

Once you have collected all of the above information and selected a date that works for them and for us:

  • Send an email to the company contact summarizing all of the above information.
  • Include the above statement about the days we are closed.
  • Notify receiving at freegeek dot org, recycling at freegeek dot org and front desk at freegeek dot org (via a cc: if in the same email).


* company name: Warn Industries
   * contact person:Todd
   * contact's phone #:503-318-5602
   * contact's email:
   * day & date: 12/19/09
   * estimated time of arrival: No arrival time has been set
   * pallets yes/no:6 pallets
   * estimate on amount: $1,000
   * FG contact (that's you!):Ian
* company name: Scapposse School District
   * contact person:Bill Jensen
   * contact's phone #:503  543-5656
   * contact's email:
   * day & date:No time or date has been set
   * estimated time of arrival: No arrival time has been set
   * pallets yes/no:10 shrink wrapped pallers
   * estimate on amount:
   * FG contact (that's you!):Tammy front desk