MacBuild Instructor Duties

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(this document is in-progress)

MacBuild Instructor Duties

Before the shift

  • determine work priorities for volunteers (if the coordinator has not already provided tasks)

During the shift

  • Orient, teach and assist volunteers
  • Sort through and correctly distribute gizmos from:
    • Incoming RAM box
    • Small Mac incoming box
  • Make sure the following items are being tested on a regular basis
    • wireless Mac mice and keyboards
    • laptop batteries
    • desktop batteries
    • airport base stations
    • airport cards
    • misc. Macintosh devices

After the shift

  • Make sure all incoming hard drives have been locked up
  • make sure small shiny objects have been locked up
  • make sure all of the work stations and areas are clean

In general

  • Communicate ideas and concerns with the Mac Build Coordinator
  • Report any problems with hardware or proceudres